The final, shocking conclusion to the #1 bestselling
Gypsy Brothers series.
Juliette Portland’s purpose was simple: Seduce. Kill. Avenge. Once Dornan Ross and his sons were dead, her future was supposed to be clear. Her life was finally going to begin. And love... Against all the odds, she had the love of a boy she never thought she'd see again.
Everything should have gone according to plan. Everything should have been easy once Dornan was dead and buried.
But nothing’s ever that easy, is it?
I might have survived Dornan's wrath, but I was different then. Younger. Stupider. I’ve had too much time to think since I got out of the cage he locked me in. I've had too much time to dream about all the things he did to me.
I think about revenge a lot. When I’m thinking of the way the light dimmed in Dornan’s dying eyes and the way he said you killed my sons.
How beautiful it was, and how hollow.
Sometimes, I can’t tell if I’m starting to become him. My father. Dornan. The way I am, the things I’ve done—they make Juliette’s sins look like child’s play.
Of course, I’d never tell her that. I’ll never tell her the things I’ve done.
It doesn’t mean she won’t find out anyway.
Book 8
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Juliette Portland’s purpose was simple: Seduce. Kill. Avenge. Once Dornan Ross and his sons were dead, her future was supposed to be clear. Her life was finally going to begin. And love... Against all the odds, she had the love of a boy she never thought she'd see again.
Everything should have gone according to plan. Everything should have been easy once Dornan was dead and buried.
But nothing’s ever that easy, is it?
I might have survived Dornan's wrath, but I was different then. Younger. Stupider. I’ve had too much time to think since I got out of the cage he locked me in. I've had too much time to dream about all the things he did to me.
I think about revenge a lot. When I’m thinking of the way the light dimmed in Dornan’s dying eyes and the way he said you killed my sons.
How beautiful it was, and how hollow.
Sometimes, I can’t tell if I’m starting to become him. My father. Dornan. The way I am, the things I’ve done—they make Juliette’s sins look like child’s play.
Of course, I’d never tell her that. I’ll never tell her the things I’ve done.
It doesn’t mean she won’t find out anyway.
Book 8
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They say the apple never falls far from the tree, and I’d say this apple never fucking fell, period. I’m the shiny apple that might’ve looked the best on the surface—different to the rest of them, full of promise that there was another way—but they broke me. They made me worse than any of them could ever be.
I hurt people. I hurt women.
I killed people.
And that’s not even the worst of it.
The first man I ever killed was John Portland, and I cried as I pulled the trigger. Yeah, I was a stupid kid and he begged me to do it, and yeah, it was a mercy killing, but it doesn’t matter. Point is, his life was the first one I took—I killed Juliette’s father, for Christ’s sake—and after I ended his life with a single bullet, delivered in the dark in a dirty basement, I didn’t stop.
I couldn’t stop.
The last person I killed was Donny, my last surviving brother, and that was eight months ago. I ripped his fucking eyeball out before I butchered him, and the one single thing that stopped me from dismembering him was knowing that Juliette was watching me. Her screams broke through my haze of red, as I took Donny’s own knife and sunk it into his flesh, again and again, so deep it hit bone more than once. I severed the tendons that made his arms work, so he was putty underneath me. I straddled my own brother and thrust upon him the vengeful punishment that they all deserved. For Julz. For my mother. For everything.
I killed him, and I haven’t killed since.
I’m hungry. My palms are itching. It’s torture.
I don’t know how long I’m going to last before I have to draw blood again.
Erica – ☆☆☆☆
Zero Hour is the long-awaited conclusion to the Gypsy Brothers series. Each book is like a roller coaster ride on crack – slap to the face pacing that leaves the reader with whiplash. Once hooked on episode one, be prepared to binge-read the series in its entirety, leaving you sleepless and a bit ornery when interrupted.
At the end of One Love, I felt many emotions: satisfaction, heartbreak, and relief I was finally getting off the ride, hoping to get my equilibrium back. I wanted to know more about our broken Juliette – the girl was consumed by her own vengeance, making her just as bad, if not worse, than her victimizers. I felt the story had met its conclusion, but I was interested in whether it was possible for Juliette to truly have an HEA with all the taint on her soul. So I was equally shocked and intrigued when Zero Hour was announced – most readers were expecting a fluffy happy ending.
But Lili St. Germain is not fluffy.
Zero Hour was dark and gritty, wading through all the haunting pain, guilt, and resentment by the narrators. But what else could you expect after seven brutal installments?
A review is either to sell a reader on a book, or to dissuade them from buying. But if you've already read the seven previous installments, I don't think anything I have to say will do either. Just realize, don't start the book unless you have time to finish it in one sitting, as you'll be hard-pressed to put it down.
Also Available in the Gypsy Brothers Series

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For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the One Love Blog Tour.
Lili writes dark romance, suspense and paranormal stories. Her serial novel, Seven Sons, was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to be released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good coffee, Tarantino movies and spending hours on Pinterest.
She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Zero Hour (Gypsy Brothers #8) by Lili St. Germain to read and review for this tour.
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