Monday, April 29, 2024

Dance on Ice by RJ Scott & V.L. Locey Release Blitz

For the figure skater and the hockey player, their sport demands total devotion, but can falling in love come first?

For the figure skater and the hockey player, their sport demands total devotion, but can falling in love come first?

My name is Shaun Stanton, and I’m bisexual.

In hockey-obsessed Chesterford Academy, Shaun Stanton stands out as the star player and captain of the Chesterford Coyotes, and his exceptional skills have already attracted the attention of NHL scouts. He lives and breathes hockey, but there’s more to his story. His father wants Shaun to be the star he never was, and their relationship is a complex mix of guidance and intimidation. Worse, while hockey is Shaun’s sanctuary and a key part of who he is, he harbors a secret his dad can never discover: Shaun is gay He’s caught between the future career he’s destined for, and the truth he has to hide. There’s one bright light in his life, the vibrant figure skater who shares the early morning practice ice, a friend he worries about, but has now become something more—Kenji is everything Shaun wants and can’t have.

My name is Kenji Kelly, and I need to be perfect.

Kenji Kelly is a young man who walks two worlds: his family is a beautiful mix of American and Asian cultures. He loves both figure skating and hockey, and he’s a out and proud pansexual teen. While it seems to the world around him he has it all, deep down Kenji has a secret that’s slowly becoming harder to conceal. His life is the ice and his coach does not believe in failure. The one person who knows his hidden secret is Shaun, the captain of the Coyotes and a friend from youth hockey days. Shaun’s gaze towards Kenji, once filled with concern, now seems to hold something deeper, unsettling Kenji but also igniting similar giddy, burgeoning feelings in him. As their feelings for each other become stronger, the secrets both young men carry grow heavier and more distressing with each passing day.

Trigger Warning: mention of an eating disorder.

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Chesterford Coyotes series!
For book one, Off the Ice, click HERE.
For book two, On Thin Ice, click HERE.


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Dance on Ice by RJ Scott & V.L. Locey

Book 3
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Kobo  ~  Smashwords
Paperback (US)




There was a heated exchange of words, Kenji skating backward and away, almost at center ice. All I needed to do was to push forward on one skate, and glide there, and we could say hello. We’d been best friends once, and if I apologized—if I was honest with him about how I’d messed up—maybe we could go back to being friends. As the argument escalated between my dad and Kenji’s coach, I felt a knot form in my stomach and I was paralyzed by my own insecurities. I watched Kenji and cursed myself for not having the courage to reach out to him.

Dad was becoming more animated, Kenji’s coach just as loud, gesticulating wildly.

I didn’t have the balls to skate to the center ice.

And Kenji didn’t turn to look at me.

Dad returned, as scarlet as me, but where my reaction was shame and confusion, his was temper and hatred.

“You’re sharing the ice,” he snapped.

He was so angry, and I didn’t know how to feel. He’d sacrificed everything for me; worked three jobs to keep me in hockey gear, drove me to every practice and game, and even volunteered as a coach for the team. The thought of letting him down filled me with guilt.

I owed him.

He’d poured his heart and soul into my hockey career, and it all centered on us practicing six days out of seven on this ice, and today we didn’t have the ice.

I should feel territorial, right? It was what Dad wanted me to feel, I was sure. Instead I felt… weird. Then something hit me. Why was I sharing the ice that was for the school? I was somewhere for the Academy teams to practice and play, and it wasn’t open to the public, courtesy of a shit ton of funding from very rich benefactors at our very wealthy campus. Why was someone from outside Chesterford Academy on our ice?

“They’ll let anyone join this damn school, freaking twirly shit getting in our way. Fucking girls out here on our ice.”



I wanted to defend Kenji, to explain that figure skaters were as valid as hockey players, same as I’d done when Kenji had left hockey for the figure skating and begged to be allowed to be friends with him still. But my dad’s hatred had spilled over and scared me.

“Shut your mouth and listen up,” Dad snapped. His reaction stung, his threats left me feeling powerless and defeated, and small.

So small.

“Figure skaters are boys as well,” I word-vomited, thankful the boards were between me and him when Dad stiffened and sent me a stare that would kill other people. Dad had never touched me, apart from fixing my hockey hold, or straightening my back, but his expression was murderous, and that meant the curses would fly and he’d take out his impotent rage on me with words. He leaned over the barrier, and my heart skipped, my chest tightened. I held my position and tilted my chin as he lowered his voice, hate dripping from every word.




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the third in the series, and is another great book from the talented duo of V.L. Locey and RJ Scott. This time we get an interesting pairing of two very different ice sports – the oversized, slightly brutish hockey player, Stanton, and the diminutive ice dancer, Kenji.

Both guys are now training on shared ice in the early hours of every morning, their respective coaches bullying them on the ice, using horribly negative slurs to get them to improve. I really hate this style of coaching, so was super angry at both of them and very relieved when things change.

Though they were great friends as youngsters, there was a rift, and it is really touching watching them retrieve the friendship, admit that it might well be much more than just a friendship, and navigate a possible future, all whilst dealing with their coaches hounding them to be better. For Stanton, he has to find the strength to live his own dream, rather than his father's. For Kenji, the road is much more complex as he has a coach who demands his weight stay at a set point, something he feels he can only achieve by starving himself most of the time. It is difficult to read, but the authors have done an amazing job of providing balance and insight.

I definitely recommend this book to you – and for series fans, there are plenty of links to earlier books, which are very satisfying.

Dance on Ice is the third installment in the Chesterford Coyotes series. It can be read as a standalone – and the trigger warning for an eating disorder should be taken seriously. If this is a topic you yourself have struggled with or can't read this type of story, please skip this one, as it is a big topic in the plot.

Kenji and Shaun were the closest of friends when they were younger. They played hockey together until Kenji was pulled more toward the figure skating world. Shaun's dad took issue with that and refused to let Shaun remain friends with him. Shaun hated that he was no longer a part of Kenji's world, but he owed his dad for all his sacrifices. Kenji is proudly out as pansexual while Shaun is hiding deep in the bisexual closet even though there are very well known, out hockey players. His dad pushes him hard to be the best and make the NHL at any cost. And Kenji's coach bullies him for his weight – having daily weigh-ins; the stress to be perfect pushes Kenji to an eating disorder. Kenji wants to hate Shaun, but he can't. Shaun wants to protect Kenji and be the one he can lean on. They fight for a regained friendship but they both want more.

The bullying they both experienced was heartbreaking. Seeing Shaun finally stand up against his father was everything, as was Kenji's coach being exposed, unfortunately at the injury of Kenji. There friends stood behind them both and became the support they both needed.

Another great story from this duo of authors!



Author Bio

RJ Scott

USA Today bestselling author RJ SCOTT has written over one hundred and fifty romance books. Emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, single dads, hockey players, millionaires, princes, bodyguards, Navy SEALs, soldiers, doctors, paramedics, firefighters, cops, and the men who get mixed up in their lives, always with a happy ever after.

She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing. The last time she had a week’s break from writing, she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a box of chocolates she couldn’t defeat.

Connect with RJ Scott!

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Facebook Group: RJ Scott – Special Secret Group
Facebook Group: MM Hockey Romance


V.L. LOCEY loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.)

She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted fowl, and two Jersey steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand.

Connect with V.L. Locey!

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Facebook Group: V.L. Locey – Vixens Reading Group
Facebook Group: MM Hockey Romance


Hosted by

Love Lane Books Promotions.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Dance on Ice (Chesterford Coyotes #3) by RJ Scott & V.L. Locey to read and review.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Touch Me by J. Kenner Release Blitz

New York Times Bestselling Author. J Kenner. Touch Me. A Stark International Novella. Will their hearts survive the ultimate test?

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. Kenner comes a new story in her Stark International series…

Former wild child Jamie Archer can’t believe how amazing her life has become. Not only is she married to the sexiest man on the planet, Stark Security Chief Ryan Hunter, but she’s also set to star in a big budget blockbuster that is sure to send her career soaring into the stratosphere.

Everything is perfect until Jamie, the least maternal person on the planet, finds out that not only is she pregnant, but that her due date interferes with the film’s production schedule.

Ryan has always supported his wife’s ambition, but he never expected to learn that they were having a baby from the shouts of paparazzi. Hurt, angry, and afraid that Jamie will choose her career over their family, Ryan tries to pull her closer, but only succeeds in pushing her away.

Now, as the pillars of their once fairytale marriage begin to crumble, Jamie and Ryan must find a way to outshine the glitter of stardom and rediscover the strength of their bond.


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Touch Me by J. Kenner

Book 4
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  Kobo
Paperback (US)

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by Sofia Willingham




“Oh, Kitten, believe me. If you don’t kiss me, there will definitely be a fight.”

I hold back a laugh, but my whole body is tingling from the scent of him. From the pressure of his body against mine. I slide my arms around his neck and rise up to claim his mouth. It’s both soft and hard, and the moment his fingers twine in my hair and his tongue finds mine, that tingle turns into a torrent. A wild wave of need so intense that I really, really wish that it was bedtime or nap time or any sort of away time for the kiddo.

But no. His mom won’t be back for hours, and that means I have to wait to get what I want. Ryan knows it, too, and when he gently pushes back, a wave of desperation crashes over me, and I have to fight the urge to draw him close, strip him bare, and scar the kid for life.

As if he knows what I’m thinking—and considering this is Ryan, he probably does—he chuckles softly. I feel the low rumble in his chest more than I hear it. Our eyes meet for a moment, then he eases behind me and rests his hands on my shoulders, the brush of his thumbs on the back of my neck sending shivers up my spine.

His breath tickles my ear as he leans close, and I freeze when he whispers, “I want one, Kitten. Not today. Not next week. But one of these days you need to stop being scared.”

I stay frozen, expecting him to walk on. To say something else. To do anything but what he’s doing, which is standing behind me, his palm now resting lightly on my shoulder.

It’s like a reverse staring contest, but it’s one I’m determined to win.

And as David stands up, then plops down on his bottom, then laughs his little head off before doing it all over again, Ryan bends over and kisses my head. Then he walks away from me, crossing the room to grab David and swing him up into the air, sending the little demon into peals of joyous laughter.




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the fourth book in this particular series, but is firmly set in the Stark world – so we get to catch up with lots of old friends too.

A short novella is great, because the read and the rush are quickly achieved, but then there is that moment where it’s the last page all too soon. So, I absolutely loved the story, but cannot deny I would have loved reading 500 pages about these guys!

There is much to love in this book, as it shows us Jamie has not lost her wildness but has tamed it as she has grown older and closer to Ryan. He calls her Kitten, and it fits with her playfulness (romantically and otherwise) but also her skittishness and her defensiveness. The world throws much at celebrities and gives them challenges which others can avoid – which is definitely tough in this case, and, as the twist reveals, has a completely left field explanation.

Great epilogue revealing much happiness and a great dollop of karma!



“Do you really think our sex life will ever come to a screeching halt?”


Author Bio

J. KENNER (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over one hundred novels, novellas, and short stories in a variety of genres.

Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list and #1 internationally, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of wide variety of genres.

JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.” A six time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s RITA award, JK took home a RITA trophy in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me, and again in 2017 for her novel, Wicked Dirty.

In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.

Connect with J. Kenner!

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Facebook Group: J. Kenner Krew



"Oh, Kitten, believe me. If you don't kiss me, there will definitely be a fight."

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Touch Me (Stark International Security #4) by J. Kenner to read and review.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Bromantic Puckboy by Eden Finley & Saxon James Blog Tour

We're both straight, we're both single, and we're both down for a good time. After all, what are teammates for?


The idea of moving away from Seattle was a joke at first.

I have too many failed relationships here. Too much baggage.

So when I find myself signing with Nashville and leaving everything behind, I’m hopeful a new start will cure me of my attachment problems.

I fall fast and hard, and I’m quickly realizing it’s not so easy to escape my emotional damage. That follows no matter where I go.

When my new teammate, rookie goalie Miles Olsen, attaches himself to my side, the media are excited to exploit our bromance. Little do they know, he’s doing me a favor by keeping me away from making mistakes with women.

That’s the deal we made at the beginning of the season, but as time goes on, and we’re both going through a dry spell, Miles suggests a different arrangement. One I’ve never contemplated. One I shouldn’t consider.

One I can’t stop thinking about.


My first day as starting goalie for Tennessee is made mildly more terrifying by coming face to face with NHL veteran Cody Bilson. Hero worship? Me? Never!

He reminds me of my old frat buddies; loyal, kind, easy to trade banter with. But my dude is lost and trying to find himself again--without getting married this time.

I want to help him, and while my suggestion might not be conventional, it sure as hell is effective. The only way to make sure he doesn't marry a woman again? Blow off steam with a man instead.

We're both straight, we're both single, and we're both down for a good time.

After all, what are teammates for?


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Bromantic Puckboy by Eden Finley & Saxon James

Book 6
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by Iggy Toma & Alexander Cendese
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~



I no longer fear ruining our friendship with physical stuff because I’m confident that Miles has my back. Just like I have his.



Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Bromantic Puckboy is the sixth book in the Puckboys series. It can be read as a standalone without issue but with this series, I highly recommend reading the series in the order that the authors intended to get the full effect of the Collective and their friendships.

Cody Bilson has a relationship issue. He's been married four times to women he thought were The One. When it all becomes too much, he requests a trade from Seattle. When he lands in Nashville, he wants it to be his new beginning – for him to not jump into a relationship and mix sex with love. So trying to refrain is the only way he thinks it will work. Being the new guy on the team is tough even if he's been in the league for years, making friends with the new goalie seems like a safe place to start. Taking Miles under his wing is easy, he enjoys the banter and quirky goalie. As their friendship grows, Miles tries to help him out with a suggestion that won't lead to marriage, blow off steam with a man... him. Neither Cody nor Miles is gay but there are definitely some gray areas in their relationship. When Cody takes Miles up on his offer, they agree to not let it get awkward; but what happens when feelings get involved and everything isn't as straight as they thought?

I adored their story. I loved all of Miles’ little quirks and Cody just accepting them for what they were. I was brought to tears when Miles tells his parents about their relationship. It was written very well. I love a successful coming out scene! The chemistry they shared was so easy and explosive. They were never awkward or weird being with a man for the first time, it just worked.

I can't wait for what's next!!

Bromantic Puckboy is the sixth installment of the Puckboys series. While it can easily be read as a standalone, it's best to read in order for optimal emotional payoff, as past narrators have cameos and their stories would be spoiled if read out of order.

Not gonna lie, it was a struggle for my head to keep which narrator was which. Bilson and Miles looked the same to me, or read in the same tone. All through the book, I kept having to either page-back to see who was listed as the narrator or use context clues. There were no narrator changes during the chapter but my mind just couldn't keep which narrator was speaking. A combo of their names and near similar voices.

Low drama. Slow-burn romance. Insta-lust.

Both Miles and Bilson were sweethearts. Charming. Awkward. Eccentric. Add in a ratdog and the warm and fuzzy quotient goes through the roof. Realistic stumbling blocks versus manufactured drama.

Bilson is escaping the city where all four of his ex-wives dwell, while attempting to learn from his mistakes.

Miles is a rookie goalie with a strong sense of family.

Both believe they're straight and come to realize they're actually bi in exactly the same way, with no internal struggles.

The sweethearts were super cute, fun, and endearing. This made for a warm and fuzzy read with no drama. Everyone was super supportive with no outside forces at play.

While I enjoyed the lighthearted journey, Miles and Bilson were a bit too much alike, thought processes and speech, so it was like they were the same character but Miles had pet rocks and a fam, while Bilson had a dog and a bunch of ex-wives, and everything else was the same.

It was cute and light, endearing with some humor, but not that deep.

I will say I haven't read any of the previous books and I was still able to enjoy this book.

Bilson and Miles captured my heart from the very beginning. I loved watching these two and their bromance blossom into so much more. I loved their silliness, their chemistry, and their journey. Each of them was missing something and needed each other more than they knew. Bilson and Miles just melted my heart.

This is the sixth book in this series, and a really fun addition to it. Miles and Bilson are just such a fabulous mix of eager new first team goalie, and running from his romantic past experienced NHL veteran, which works from a sports perspective as well as from the bromance one!

There is so much comedic gold in this book, and it will be best experienced fresh, so I will say no more. But alongside the silliness, there is a gorgeous story of friendship, of two people really caring about each other, and of realising much about themselves and each other. It is low angst, delicious intimacy, and has the perfect outcome.

I read it straight through in one go, as I had to know just how Eden Finley and Saxon James were going to give them, and us, just what was needed – mission accomplished, lovely story – and one to go on my reread pile, as it will never fail to raise a smile. Thank you!



Sex is just sex. But Bilson isn’t just anybody.


Author Bio

Eden Finley

EDEN FINLEY is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She doesn't take anything too seriously and lives to create an escape from real life for her readers. The ideas always begin with a wackadoodle premise, and she does her best to turn them into romances with heart.

With a short attention span that rivals her son's, she writes multiple different pairings: MM, MMF, and MF.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

Connect with Eden Finley!

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Facebook Group: Absolutely Eden


Saxon James. Romance Author.

SAXON JAMES unapologetically writes happy endings for LGBT+ characters.

While not writing, SM is a readaholic and Netflix addict who regularly lives on a sustainable diet of chocolate and coffee.

Member of SCBWI.

Connect with Saxon James!

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Facebook Group: Saxon's Sweethearts






“You gonna let me fuck you if I say that I saw red over him potentially hurting you?”     My bones melt. Now, that’s what I call bromantic.


Hosted by

Foreword PR & Marketing.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Bromantic Puckboy (Puckboys #6) by Eden Finley & Saxon James to read and review.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Under the Table by Layla Reyne Instagram Tour

Accidentally Undercover. Under the Table by Layla Reyne. Now Available.

Chef February Winters hates Valentine’s Day. So much so she refuses to open her restaurant for it. Except now the critics say that she can’t—not, that she won’t—so of course she must. But planning the perfect V-day menu eludes her until her sexy new bartender mixes up a sublime concept.

Jax Dillon is a hacker, but for the past three months they’ve been undercover at Under the Table, tending bar while on the lookout for a rogue spy. Truth be told, they’ve spent more time looking at the stunning head chef while struggling to balance their professional and personal lives.

Feb’s been looking Jax’s way too. Until V-day arrives and she finds her restaurant full of bounty hunters, assassins, bullet holes, and more. When the spy she thought was a critic takes her three stars—and Jax—hostage, Feb must cook the meal of her life to win back culinary glory and the bartender (er, hacker?) who’s stolen her heart. Good thing she’s a real chef.

Under the Table is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared romantic suspense series.


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Under the Table by Layla Reyne

Book 4
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~




They gestured at the notepad. “May I?”

At Feb’s nod, Dylan picked up the pad and pen. “What do you hate about Valentine’s Day?”


More laughter, but all of Feb’s attention was riveted on the upturned corners of Dylan’s plum-painted lips. She idly wondered if they were soft and if they tasted like plum too.

“Okay, what else?” Dylan asked.

“What else what?”

Dylan smirked, hitching that smile higher. “Valentine’s Day. The bad.”

Blinking, she wrenched her attention from Dylan’s lips and met their gaze as she began ticking off “the bad” on her fingers.

“It’s so commercialized. It makes people believe that’s the only night someone deserves to feel special. It makes people without partners feel not special. And it makes aromantic and some ace folks feel wrong.”

The kitchen went silent, Dylan scratching notes on the pad the only sound in the rarely so quiet space. After another moment, Dylan laid down the pen and handed the pad to Feb.

Solo resos.
Local ingredients.
No pink.

Feb glanced back up, her lips lifting to match Dylan’s smug smile. “I like it.”



Feb was attracted to the person she was getting to know. How much of that person was really Jax?



Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is part of the Accidentally Undercover group of stories – but for me, much more excitingly it is part of Fog City and the Whiskey world, and we get to meet all our old Madigan friends. I would imagine that someone coming to them all for the first time may be a little overwhelmed, but I hope that they will go and read Prince of Killers and move through that wonderful set of books.

February Winters (what a cool name!) wants her restaurant to succeed, and is forced to open on Valentine's Day as she gets a tip off that an important reviewer will be visiting that night. Little does she know that this a big undercover operation which her cocktail-savant bartender, Jax, is involved in...

The two of them have been circling around the fact that there is a strong attraction between them, but as everything blows up, maybe they will finally get a chance to form a bond and both enjoy being part of the wider Madigan family.

I loved being back in that world, and will always ask for more!



“I love the pink on you. I hate it in all other circumstances, but on you. . .”


Author Bio

LAYLA REYNE is the author of What We May Be and the Agents Irish and Whiskey, Fog City, and Perfect Play series. A Carolina Tar Heel who spent fifteen years in California, Layla enjoys weaving her bicoastal experiences into her stories, along with adrenaline-fueled suspense and heart-pounding romance.

Connect with Layla Reyne!

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Facebook Group: Layla’s Lushes



“I did not need to know you were good with the dirty talk.”


Hosted by

Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Under the Table (Accidentally Undercover #4) by Layla Reyne to read and review.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Falling for Her by Kelly Elliott Release Blitz

Now Live. Falling for Her by Kelly Elliott.

Wes Ward finds himself in new territory. Less than a year ago, he lived in New York City in a fantastic loft that overlooked upper Manhattan. Women in and out of his bed anytime he wanted and not a damn care in the world.


Now, he finds himself back in Boston plotting ways to stop his high school girlfriend, Mandy, from getting married, dodging his mother's every attempt at helping him settle down, and trying to understand why Clare Monroe makes him forget everything and everyone when she smiles at him.

What is this insane feeling he feels anytime Clare is near him? Why can't he stop thinking about her every second of every day?

And what does he do about Mandy, the woman he fought so hard for who is willing to give their relationship another try right when Wes is ready to admit his feelings for Clare?

This is NOT a love triangle book :)

Falling for Her is a friends-to-lovers trope and can be read as a standalone but the author highly recommends you start at the beginning of the series.


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Falling for Her by Kelly Elliott

Book 3
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~



“There isn’t one thing wrong with you, Clare, besides the fact that you think there is.”



Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Falling for Her is the third installment in the Boston Love series. It can be read as a standalone without issue, but I warn you if you do that, you will, in fact, be adding the first two in the series to your to-be-read list immediately.

Wes comes back to Boston to stop is ex, Mandy, from getting married. Making her jealous seems to be a great plan and fake dating Clare, his sister-in-law’s best friend, seems like a perfect match. The more time he spends with Clare, he isn't so sure stopping Mandy is the best idea. Clare and Wes bicker and fight every time they are together but something about her draws him in in ways he never expected.

The banter between Clare and Wes was on point! I couldn't get enough of them. I so enjoyed watching him fall for her. Fake dating isn't my favorite trope, but this one is done very well. They have great chemistry overall.

I can't wait for what's next!



Author Bio

Kelly Elliott. New York Times Bestseller.

KELLY ELLIOTT is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since finishing her bestselling Wanted series, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women, and beautiful surroundings.

Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Never Enough, Lost Love and Returning Home, to name a few.

Kelly has been passionate about writing since she was fifteen. After years of filling journals with stories, she finally followed her dream and published her first novel, Wanted, in November of 2012.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, their two pups, Gunner and Ellie, too many cats to name, and a plethora of wild animals. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys gardening, reading and spending time with her family..

Connect with Kelly Elliott!

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Facebook Group: Kelly's Krew



She smiled and my knees went weak.     “That was some kiss,” she whispered.


Hosted by

Give Me Books Promotions.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Falling for Her (Boston Love #3) by Kelly Elliott to read and review.