Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Lost in Someone by JJ Harper Release Blitz

Release Blitz. JJ Harper’s Lost in Someone.

It only takes one night to turn their lives upside down.

Brodie always thought he was straight, but when he experiences the greatest night of his life it's with a man. A total stranger. They never even exchanged names.

It’s the shake-up he needed. He leaves his job and heads down to his best friend, Merrick. Even if that night haunts not only his dreams but also his waking thoughts, he’s determined to make a new life in Devon. He can’t have time for regrets.

Ivan had to leave. His best friend, Drew, let him down, his sort of ex shocked him with disturbing news, and he’s sick and tired of easy hook-ups. The only bright light is a chance encounter with the hottest man he’s ever seen, but he wakes up alone and has no way of finding him.

Resigned to never seeing him again, Ivan returns home to Calston Cove. An apology to Drew leads to a dinner invitation with a few friends.

And a face he never expected to see again.

Are Brodie and Ivan able to recapture the best night of their lives, or is one night all they’re going to have?

When Ivan’s past comes back, threatening to ruin his relationship with Brodie, are they strong enough together to make things work?

Lost in Someone is a bi-awakening story and book two in the Calston Cove series. It can be read as a standalone but is enjoyed more by knowing Drew and Merrick’s story in Life After Love.

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Calston Cove series!
For book one, Life After Love, click HERE.


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Lost in Someone by JJ Harper

Book 2
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~




“Ivan, what the fuck is going on? Is this how you visit people, by beating down the door, then storming in?”

“Do you normally brush off people you’re fucking with ‘thanks for a good time’?”

Brodie recoils like I’ve slapped him.

“I was letting you go to spend your day with your friends. You said that’s what you do.” He walks into the kitchen.

I follow him, not letting him get away from me again. “I said usually, not that I had plans to do that today. I planned to spend it with you, or I hoped to.”

He’s shoving bed sheets into the washing machine, but he sinks back onto his knees and looks up at me with a guilty look. I could fall for this stupid, stubborn, adorable man. “Washing the evidence away?” I lean against the door frame.

“Something like that. I didn’t want to be able to smell you if you weren’t going to be around.” Okay, I can add brutally honest to the list of his attributes. “Look, I’m not good at this. I’ve not had any real relationships. I’ve had girlfriends but have never wanted more from them, never fantasised about them. I never wished I’d stayed after leaving them. I don’t know how to behave around you because I want all that with you.”

I step closer to him, holding out my hand. When he takes it, I pull him upright and against me. I want all that with him too. Maybe we’ve gone the wrong way about it. Sex before even knowing each other’s names, unprotected sex on the promise of a clean bill of health. I get lost when I’m with him. I’ve never felt as deeply about anyone as I do about him. “Look, I’m new at this too. I’m not one to date. I like to have a good time and spend the summer messing around with the tourists. That’s because they’re not here for long and won’t ask for any commitment. But you’re different. I want to get to know you, spend my time with you. I want you, Brodie. More than anything else.”

“Merrick knows what happened,” Brodie blurts out. “I mean, he knows I hooked up with a man, not that it was you.”

I lead him back into the living room and push him gently down on the small sofa. “What did he say? I bet he was surprised.” Was it a good surprise or a ‘what the hell have you done’ surprise? I don’t know Merrick, so I can’t tell if he’s a supportive friend or not.



I miss him when we’re not together, and when we are, I want to touch him, be close to him.



Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the second book in the series, and you can read it as a standalone – but characters from the first book are in this book and you'll have their backstory. Brodie has a hot one-night stand... with a man. He's straight and can't stop thinking about that one hot night and that man. Too bad he left while the guy was sleeping and didn't get his name. Ivan can't stop thinking about that night either. When these two see each other again months later, it's on! The sparks and feelings are still there for both of them. The chemistry between Brodie and Ivan is off the charts and their sexy times are H.O.T. I loved watching their relationship grow and when Ivan's past comes back to haunt him, Brodie is right there by his side. This was a sexy, sweet, feel-good love story.

This is the second book in this very engaging series set in lovely south Devon. It involves a new partnership, but we get to meet up with Merrick and Drew, and the leads are their respective best friends!

Ivan was a real grouch in the last book, very angry at Drew for finding love and leaving him behind. This jealousy leads him to go up to London and meet someone who turns his eye and changes his world... but come morning he has gone, and they never even exchanged names!

Roll forward a number of months and Merrick's best friend decides he cannot concentrate since the night that he spent with a man... For the first time ever, feeling everything click in his life... only to leave before finding out his name, so shocked he was at the revelation of his bisexuality.

Yes, of course they find each other over the dinner table in Merrick's newly finished home and then we can sit back and watch how these two men work out how to reconcile their imaginings of the last few months with the fact that their dream person is right next to them. I loved how it all works out... even if there are some pretty serious twists in the tale.

A really good second installment – I hope we are back in Calston Cove again soon!

Lost in Someone is the second book in the Calston Cove series. It can be read as a standalone but reads so much better if read in the order as the author intended.

After having somewhat of a falling out with his best friend, Drew, and his boyfriend, Merrick, Ivan takes a job out of town to get some distance and space. Having the best night of his life with a man he meets at a club, they don't exchange names or any identifying information, Ivan wakes up alone and sad he doesn't get a repeat. Ivan returns to Calston Cove hoping to apologize to his best friend and make some changes to his life. What he doesn't expect is finding out the man from his amazing night happens to be Merrick's best friend and he's staying in town. Does Ivan want more? Absolutely. Can he change everything he thought he knew about his life for something more? Will they survive something they never saw coming from Ivan's past?

Brodie thought he was straight until one night changes everything he thought he knew. But that night was a catalyst for him to change everything in his life, and seeing how happy Merrick is living in Calston Cove, Brodie wants that. He's thought about the man from that night more times than he cares to admit. Finding out he's Drew's best friend and lives in Calston Cove is what he wants, right? Can they pick up where they left off?

The chemistry between Brodie and Ivan is instant and explosive from the very beginning. I loved seeing how they changed so much of their lives as much for themselves as each other. They became stronger through the twists and turns. I can't wait to see what's next for this town!



“Christ, you’re gorgeous. I want you naked. I can’t wait to be inside you.”     “Fuck, yes!”


Author Bio

JJ Harper

You will normally find JJ HARPER in the living room—typing away—with her dog, Siddiqi. As a hopeless romantic, she dives into her stories, always falling in love with her men, making sure they get the happy ever after they deserve, even if they do have to work hard for it.

As a bona fide bookaholic, a wine-drinking and swear-like-a-sailor type of girl, she has yet to work out how to act her age!! LOL. And she has no intentions of growing up or growing old gracefully.

JJ lives in a small, very quiet, village in Lincolnshire, UK, with her husband and dog, and spends all day dreaming up stories full of really hot men.

Connect with JJ Harper!

Facebook  ~  Instagram  ~  Twitter  ~  TikTok  ~  Website  ~  Goodreads
Facebook Group: JJ Harper's Honeys






I lost myself in him, and he’s all I see, all I want.


Hosted by

Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Lost in Someone (Calston Cove #2) by JJ Harper to read and review.

Friday, May 24, 2024

How Much for a Broken Heart? by RJ Scott Release Blitz

Shadow Team 2. How Much for a Broken Heart? RJ Scott.

When the game turns deadly for the SEAL and his Ranger, love becomes the most dangerous mission of all.

In a single devastating morning, August’s life crumbles. His covert assignment derails disastrously as the family he’s meant to safeguard falls prey to the ruthless Cooper River cartel. The tragedy deepens when a little girl vanishes without a trace, leaving behind nothing but her favorite teddy bear—a silent witness to a kidnapping that makes no sense. As a former SEAL, August grapples with his failure and all he can imagine is killing anyone who broke everything he was learning to love. Each clue and every whisper in the criminal underworld could lead him to Annie. But with each step into darkness, August risks losing himself to the same violence that claimed her father.

Enter Shadow Team, and Ryder, a former Army Ranger tasked with rescuing Annie from a compound in the middle of the forest. He’s supposed to leave, but when he finds August tied up and bleeding, he risks everything to bring the broken SEAL home.

Together, they navigate a labyrinth of danger and betrayal. But as bullets fly and alliances shift, it’s not just the mission that’s at stake — it’s their hearts.

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Shadow Team series!
For book one, How Much for the Whole Night?, click HERE.


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How Much for a Broken Heart? by RJ Scott

Book 2
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  Kobo  ~  Smashwords
Paperback (US)  ~  Signed Paperback




I stumbled to a halt, my heart hammering at the horror unfolding before. The car was now a monstrous inferno and I saw Max and James lying motionless on the ground. Panic surged within me, a tidal wave threatening to drown all reason. I ran to the car, trying to reach the back seat.

If Annie was in there, she’d be gone already, but I might have a chance.

Strong arms grabbed me back.

“There’s a child in there!” I shouted… screamed… but no one let me go.

A firefighter shoved past me, a hose in his hands. He attacked the flames, water hissing and steam rising in billowing clouds. And I could do nothing but watch, not even able to reach James and Max as fire crawled toward them.

The heat was oppressive, pushing against us, and sweat beaded on my forehead, the heat baking my skin, but the physical discomfort was nothing compared to the fear clawing at my insides. When the flames had died enough, and the cops were swarming, I shook off the hold and kneeling beside James, I checked for any sign of life. Nothing. Two bullet holes—one in his temple, the other in his chest. A similar check on Max yielded the same result. They were gone. There were scrapes on James as if he’d been dragged from the car, but Max had his hand curled around a gun—he’d been trying to protect James.

And Annie too.

She had to have been in the car.

She couldn’t have survived this.

I’m going to be sick.

Then, amid the chaos and the noise of the fire being quenched, the firefighter found me. His face, obscured by his mask, turned towards mine, and I braced myself for the words I feared most.

“No sign of anyone else in the car.”


“Car seat, but it’s empty, and we… ” he glanced down at the ground, “no human remains inside.” His voice was muffled but the words were unmistakably clear.

As the cops asked questions, and Molly arrived, a new panic took root. My mind raced, thoughts tumbling over each other. Where was Annie? Had someone taken her? The heat, the flames, the lifeless bodies of her father and Max—all of it paled in comparison to the cold dread that settled in my stomach.

Annie was gone.

Run for her life? Wandered away?

Or taken by whoever had killed her dad.




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

How Much for a Broken Heart? is the second installment in the Shadow Team series. I don't feel like this one can be read as a standalone. It reads so much better in the order that the author intended.

August is a former SEAL working to protect Annie and her father. When August fails and Annie ends up missing and her father dead, all August sees is revenge. He'll do anything to find Annie and make her safe. August goes deep undercover in the Cooper River Cartel and when his cover is blown, an unexpected Army man is the one trying to bring him home.

Ryder is former Army and working for the Shadow Team. His one job is to bring Annie home. When Luca finds her and makes sure she is safe, Ryder can't help going back for August. When he finds him tied up and bleeding, he'll do whatever it takes to bring the SEAL home – even if it means risking his own life.

I was so excited for this one. I needed August's story after what we saw of him in book one. The chemistry between August and Ryder was such a developing thing. After Ryder sat with him and felt responsible for him, it was inevitable that Ryder would develop feelings for the grumpy man. I loved seeing August's walls start to fall each day with Ryder. What I love about this series is each love story isn't so in your face – the suspense and twists and turns of the rest of the story are everything you need.

I can't wait for what's next!!

This is the second book in the series, and I would recommend that you read them in order to get the full picture – and all the goodness too!

August is a man who is losing himself in order to rescue his one-time charge, and almost daughter, Annie. Just as he finds where she is being held, The Sanctuary steps in to free her, and team member Ryder cannot leave him behind – even when things get pretty hairy!

This is a great combination of off-the-books rescue team heroics (in no small part from the overworked medics!) with a very intense complicated romance and start of a new family. It was great to catch up with the Sanctuary team too.

I am already looking forward to the next installment.



Author Bio

RJ Scott

USA Today bestselling author RJ SCOTT has written over one hundred and fifty romance books. Emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, single dads, hockey players, millionaires, princes, bodyguards, Navy SEALs, soldiers, doctors, paramedics, firefighters, cops, and the men who get mixed up in their lives, always with a happy ever after.

She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing. The last time she had a week’s break from writing, she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a box of chocolates she couldn’t defeat.

Connect with RJ Scott!

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Facebook Group: RJ Scott – Special Secret Group


Hosted by

Love Lane Books Promotions.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of How Much for a Broken Heart? (Shadow Team #2) by RJ Scott to read and review.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Kicks by Kristian Parker Release Blitz

Release Blitz. Kicks by Kristian Parker. May 13 – 22.

Eddie Channing has never bothered with a career. Yet somehow he’s become the best salesman at Pleasure Seekers.
When his boss makes a shock announcement, Eddie isn’t just fighting for his job—his whole life as he knows it is at stake.

Enter Billy Webster. A Brighton shop owner still grieving the loss of his mother as well as raising his teenage sister, he could hold the answers to all of Eddie’s problems… if Eddie can screw a good chunk of commission out of him. But Eddie, who’s as chilled about his love life as he is about his professional one, is shaken to the core when he first sets eyes on Billy. Can he lie to him straight away, and keep the deception going if they become involved?

And what will happen if the truth comes out, to Eddie, Billy and any relationship they’ve built?

Trigger Warning – elements of grief for the loss of a mother (off page).

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Pleasure Seekers series!
For book one, Thrill, click HERE.


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Kicks by Kristian Parker

Book 2
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~




The front doorbell sounded, snapping Billy to attention.

“He must be here,” he said.

“Or it’s a customer,” Harry replied.

“I admire your optimism. I’ll go.”

Billy strode out into the shop. A man had his back to him. He appeared to be inspecting a shell-covered jewellery box. Not one of Billy’s wisest choices.

“Can I help you?”

When the man turned around, Billy gasped. He hadn’t seen someone that handsome in a long time. With light brown skin and short dreadlocks that appeared to have been tinted by the sun, he glowed.

He was a contrast to Billy’s much darker tone and cropped hair. Fashion statements had never been high on Billy’s agenda. He took pride in his appearance whilst making minimal effort. Although when Crystal’s friends all became obsessed with giving each other facials at sleepovers, he did succumb to letting Crystal practice her technique on him.

The life of a girl dad proved to be a never-ending voyage of discovery.

“Mr Webster?” the exquisite specimen said.

“Um… yes.”

“Eddie Channing. From Pleasure Seekers. We have an appointment?”

“That’s right.”

“Sorry, Mr Channing,” Harry said as he pushed past Billy. “My brother appears to have let the heat get to him. I’m Harry and this is Billy.”

Eddie shook his hand. “That’s better. I’d get confused dealing with two Mr Websters.”

Billy got a hold of himself and forced his brain to focus. “My apologies, Mr… Eddie. I don’t know what came over me.”

This man intrigued Eddie. “Don’t worry about it. As long as I have the bragging rights. It’s not every day I make a handsome man lose his words. My flatmates will be amazed.”

Did he just call me handsome?

Billy refused to let his emotions take control. This was important. He wouldn’t fall for a salesman’s tactics.

He held his hand out. When Eddie took it, Billy tried his best to ignore the spark of electricity that fizzed through him.

“Would you like to come through?” Billy said.

“I’ll put the closed sign on,” Harry chipped in.

“No n—” Billy started.

Harry widened his eyes at him. “Probably for the best.”

Suddenly, Billy saw how wildly out of his depth he was. Harry seemed to be treating this like one of his fights. He was ducking and weaving all over the place. Billy had never been any good at games.

That was probably why they were about to go bust.

He led Eddie through. The close proximity making his heart beat a little faster. However, those few steps gave him the chance to get it together.

“Take a seat,” he said. “Can I get you a drink? It’s hot today.”

“No, I’m good,” Eddie said.

Billy took his usual seat at the little desk. He gestured for Eddie to take the armchair that Crystal usually sat in to do her homework.

Harry soon followed them and perched delicately on the remaining stool. He was far too big for it. Billy prayed to everything holy that it wouldn’t collapse under him.

Why didn’t I give him this seat? Fuck’s sake, calm down. It doesn’t matter.




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the second book in this lovely series set in Brighton and involving the staff of a rather interesting business called Pleasure Seekers. If you have not read Thrill, then I would recommend it to you, but you could start here and go back, but read it you should!

We met Eddie and his flatmates in the first book, so we know a bit about his style and his love of football, and an almost career as a professional player, which failed due to an injury. So it was fun to have a subplot which involved the game. Early on he is faced with the need to compete for his boss's job, which does bad things to his style and his behaviour. Sadly, the worst deal he pulls is with someone he soon realises he wants to get to know better.

Billy stepped up when his mum died and put his life on hold to bring up his sister, Crystal, and keep the shops open that his mother had, to provide a future for Crystal. The second has been a struggle, and with only one left, an opportunity arises to become a seller of Pleasure Seekers products. This is how he meets Eddie – who sets a high percentage fee which never gets negotiated down.

As the men get close, Eddie sits with the knowledge that the contract is going to get him the job, but damages the chances of his new relationship succeeding when the truth is known.

There are another couple of clever side plots which keep the tension on the simmer, and are reminders that life is never that simple and that good people can do silly things, just as bad ones can sometimes behave reasonably.

Lots of depth to another delicious story from the very talented Kristian Parker.



Author Bio

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

Connect with Kristian Parker!

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Facebook Group: Kristian Parker's World






Love always uncovers the truth.


Hosted by

Gay Book Promotions.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Kicks (Pleasure Seekers #2) by Kristian Parker to read and review.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

On Her Watch by Melinda Leigh

From #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author. Melinda Leigh. On Her Watch. Now Available! A Bree Taggert Novel.

Sheriff Bree Taggert becomes a target when she follows the twisting trail of a serial killer in a bone-chilling novel of suspense by #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author Melinda Leigh.

A pair of hikers find a tarp-wrapped body in a clearing in the woods. When a search in the surrounding area yields two more, Sheriff Bree Taggert knows they’ve stumbled onto a serial killer’s dumping ground.

With the help of investigator Matt Flynn, Bree works the case. They go to interview Jana, the best friend of one of the victims. But when they arrive at her apartment, it’s been ransacked and set on fire. And Jana is missing.

It’s clear the killer is escalating. To make matters worse, he threatens Bree’s family and a young mother vanishes. Will Bree and Matt uncover the link between the victims before more women die?

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Bree Taggert series:
For book one, Cross Her Heart, click HERE.
For book two, See Her Die, click HERE.
For book three, Drown Her Sorrows, click HERE.
For book four, Right Behind Her, click HERE.
For book five, Dead Against Her, click HERE.
For book six, Lie to Her, click HERE.
For book seven, Catch Her Death, click HERE.


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On Her Watch by Melinda Leigh

Book 8
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Hardcover (US)  ~  Paperback (US)

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by Christina Traister
~ Also Available to Read & Listen with KindleUnlimited ~




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the eighth book in this series, and I have enjoyed them all. Bree is such an amazing survivor of her past and such an inspiration in her determination to right wrongs for her new family as well as for the community she lives in. Matt, her partner both in life and investigations, is once again also a key figure. I love that he respects her and her decisions.

Rain, dullness, and the sadness of a town in the grips of a serial killer do not put out the light that is provided by the ever vigilant and successful Sheriff Bree Taggert. Her newly made team of work colleagues is determined to ensure that life can be lived safely under their watch. It is very clever how the author continues to use the crimes of the past to lead to the troubles of today. Her newly made family draws closer as they face danger, and Matt's parents step up and again show Bree how it is okay to rely on and trust in others.

If you enjoy clever plotting, interesting individuals, and plenty of tension, then this book will give you a great read. If you are also invested in Bree and Matt and their family, then you will have plenty of heartwarming moments, as things get serious. I am already looking forward to the next installment!

Avid Reader☆☆☆☆☆
M/F Thriller
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

Bree is at it again. With women disappearing around them, it's up to Bree, her family, and her town to find those responsible.

This book contains family life, twists and turns you'll never see coming, and suspense that keeps you wanting to turn the pages.

I love this series and can't wait for more. The characters are complex without being overdone and the story is catching and engaging.

I really enjoy Leigh's ability to write twisted characters right alongside compassionate ones. It's a gift Leigh has, and you won't be disappointed!

Mary Jo☆☆☆☆☆
This is one series that I can't put down. I re-read the entire series before I started this book and fell in love with characters all over again.

Sheriff Bree Taggert didn't ask to be sheriff, thankless job that it is, however, she knows staying in town and helping to raise her sister's children is the best thing for her family. Mending fences, strengthening bonds, and falling in love makes Grey's Hollow more like home than it ever had been.

Since becoming sheriff, Bree and her boyfriend/investigator, Matt Flynn, have seen way more active investigations than she thought possible in this small town in New York. And today brings one more investigation that seemingly puts her and her family in a killer's path once again.

Determined to find those who have been murdering women, Bree and Matt start following the leads that seems to lead back to her family’s old home. When a body is found there, Bree can't help but wonder what exactly happened the night her father died.

Bree's determined to face the past and the truths it held in secret for so long. Will the past continue to haunt the future or will the serial killer succeed in stopping Bree's investigation for good?

Only time will tell...

From the moment three bodies were discovered by hikers in the woods, I was hooked. The story is perfectly paced, and I enthusiastically followed along as Bree and Matt investigated, eager for the next clue. The author did a great job of keeping me in the moment and stopping my mind from running ahead to solve the mystery. This meant I thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns as they happened.

Among the action and the mystery we get glimpses of Bree and Matt’s romance and their home life as Bree raises her sister’s children. I really enjoyed this small amount of happiness in the middle of a frantic and dangerous murder investigation.

On Her Watch was an engaging mystery with a heart stopping climax. This is the eighth book in the Bree Taggert series, and I haven’t read all eight books, but you won’t need to have to enjoy this latest addition to the series. If you are a fan of romantic suspense, I’d definitely recommend On Her Watch and the whole series.



Author Bio

MELINDA LEIGH is a #1 Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon Charts bestselling author. Her books have sold over 14 million copies, and she has garnered numerous publishing awards, including nominations for an International Thriller Award and two RITAs. A martial artist and animal lover, Melinda lives in Florida with her family and a small herd of rescue pets.

Connect with Melinda Leigh!

Facebook  ~  Twitter  ~  Instagram  ~  Website  ~  Goodreads


ARC provided by


Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided with a free copy of On Her Watch (Bree Taggert #8) by Melinda Leigh to read and review.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cover Reveal – Lost in Someone by JJ Harper

Cover Reveal. JJ Harper’s Lost in Someone.

It only takes one night to turn their lives upside down.

Brodie always thought he was straight, but when he experiences the greatest night of his life it's with a man. A total stranger. They never even exchanged names.

It’s the shake-up he needed. He leaves his job and heads down to his best friend, Merrick. Even if that night haunts not only his dreams but also his waking thoughts, he’s determined to make a new life in Devon. He can’t have time for regrets.

Ivan had to leave. His best friend, Drew, let him down, his sort of ex shocked him with disturbing news, and he’s sick and tired of easy hook-ups. The only bright light is a chance encounter with the hottest man he’s ever seen, but he wakes up alone and has no way of finding him.

Resigned to never seeing him again, Ivan returns home to Calston Cove. An apology to Drew leads to a dinner invitation with a few friends.

And a face he never expected to see again.

Are Brodie and Ivan able to recapture the best night of their lives, or is one night all they’re going to have?

When Ivan’s past comes back, threatening to ruin his relationship with Brodie, are they strong enough together to make things work?

Lost in Someone is a bi-awakening story and book two in the Calston Cove series. It can be read as a standalone but is enjoyed more by knowing Drew and Merrick’s story in Life After Love.

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Calston Cove series!
For book one, Life After Love, click HERE.


Add to Goodreads.


Lost in Someone by JJ Harper

Cover Designer: Jay Aheer
Photographer: Wander Aguiar
Model: Christophe

Book 2
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~



Author Bio

JJ Harper

You will normally find JJ HARPER in the living room—typing away—with her dog, Siddiqi. As a hopeless romantic, she dives into her stories, always falling in love with her men, making sure they get the happy ever after they deserve, even if they do have to work hard for it.

As a bona fide bookaholic, a wine-drinking and swear-like-a-sailor type of girl, she has yet to work out how to act her age!! LOL. And she has no intentions of growing up or growing old gracefully.

JJ lives in a small, very quiet, village in Lincolnshire, UK, with her husband and dog, and spends all day dreaming up stories full of really hot men.

Connect with JJ Harper!

Facebook  ~  Instagram  ~  Twitter  ~  TikTok  ~  Website  ~  Goodreads
Facebook Group: JJ Harper's Honeys





Hosted by

Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Thrill by Kristian Parker

Thrill. Kristian Parker.

Tyler Jones is celebrating hitting his mid-thirties with a new job and it’s unlike anywhere he’s ever worked before. Pleasure Seekers is a sex toy retail company based in the seaside resort of Brighton.

On his first day, Tyler finds himself in a very sticky situation with the drop-dead gorgeous Danny Healy. This man is next-level handsome. When Danny offers to help Tyler become personally acquainted with some of the items the company sells online, the heat truly blasts off.

But Tyler has never been one for meaningless sex. When he gets to know Danny, he finds so much more than he ever expected. What could happen if the lines of their arrangement were blurred a little?

Trigger Warning – discussion of historical emotional struggles and attempted suicide.


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Thrill by Kristian Parker

Book 1
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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

I am such a fan of Kristian Parker's novels that I didn't even need to read the blurb to know I wanted to dive into this first book in a new series. There is such a wonderful feeling of family, place, and details of everyday life which work so well in all this author's works. Thankfully all my expectations were met and more!

Tyler is starting a new job in a new town and has found himself in the worst flatshare ever – already making us both laugh and cringe! Thankfully that nightmare is short-lived, but still does a fabulous job of giving us insight into him and his feelings of discombobulation as he starts afresh.

He makes a very valid point that procurement is the same wherever you work, but it is great fun listening in to the antics that the workers at Pleasure Seekers get up to – especially with new arrivers. One good thing is that he doesn't feel any need to hide his sexuality. Meeting Danny from the warehouse at a lube scent testing is an interesting start to his first day, and the feelings that assail him are both exciting and dangerous. Luckily, Danny is feeling exactly the same way.

As we get to know these two guys better, and from their families understand more why they are as they are, it is impossible not to want the very best for them – and that is a feature of this talented author, a real skill in giving us little details which bring the pages to life. And it is true of side characters too, such as Bruce, Amanda, and many others.

I will let you enjoy the body of the story without saying more, but believe me when I say that this promises to be another fun and fabulous series!



Author Bio

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

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ARC provided by

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Thrill (Pleasure Seekers #1) by Kristian Parker to read and review.