Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Lost in Someone by JJ Harper Release Blitz

Release Blitz. JJ Harper’s Lost in Someone.

It only takes one night to turn their lives upside down.

Brodie always thought he was straight, but when he experiences the greatest night of his life it's with a man. A total stranger. They never even exchanged names.

It’s the shake-up he needed. He leaves his job and heads down to his best friend, Merrick. Even if that night haunts not only his dreams but also his waking thoughts, he’s determined to make a new life in Devon. He can’t have time for regrets.

Ivan had to leave. His best friend, Drew, let him down, his sort of ex shocked him with disturbing news, and he’s sick and tired of easy hook-ups. The only bright light is a chance encounter with the hottest man he’s ever seen, but he wakes up alone and has no way of finding him.

Resigned to never seeing him again, Ivan returns home to Calston Cove. An apology to Drew leads to a dinner invitation with a few friends.

And a face he never expected to see again.

Are Brodie and Ivan able to recapture the best night of their lives, or is one night all they’re going to have?

When Ivan’s past comes back, threatening to ruin his relationship with Brodie, are they strong enough together to make things work?

Lost in Someone is a bi-awakening story and book two in the Calston Cove series. It can be read as a standalone but is enjoyed more by knowing Drew and Merrick’s story in Life After Love.

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Calston Cove series!
For book one, Life After Love, click HERE.


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Lost in Someone by JJ Harper

Book 2
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~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~




“Ivan, what the fuck is going on? Is this how you visit people, by beating down the door, then storming in?”

“Do you normally brush off people you’re fucking with ‘thanks for a good time’?”

Brodie recoils like I’ve slapped him.

“I was letting you go to spend your day with your friends. You said that’s what you do.” He walks into the kitchen.

I follow him, not letting him get away from me again. “I said usually, not that I had plans to do that today. I planned to spend it with you, or I hoped to.”

He’s shoving bed sheets into the washing machine, but he sinks back onto his knees and looks up at me with a guilty look. I could fall for this stupid, stubborn, adorable man. “Washing the evidence away?” I lean against the door frame.

“Something like that. I didn’t want to be able to smell you if you weren’t going to be around.” Okay, I can add brutally honest to the list of his attributes. “Look, I’m not good at this. I’ve not had any real relationships. I’ve had girlfriends but have never wanted more from them, never fantasised about them. I never wished I’d stayed after leaving them. I don’t know how to behave around you because I want all that with you.”

I step closer to him, holding out my hand. When he takes it, I pull him upright and against me. I want all that with him too. Maybe we’ve gone the wrong way about it. Sex before even knowing each other’s names, unprotected sex on the promise of a clean bill of health. I get lost when I’m with him. I’ve never felt as deeply about anyone as I do about him. “Look, I’m new at this too. I’m not one to date. I like to have a good time and spend the summer messing around with the tourists. That’s because they’re not here for long and won’t ask for any commitment. But you’re different. I want to get to know you, spend my time with you. I want you, Brodie. More than anything else.”

“Merrick knows what happened,” Brodie blurts out. “I mean, he knows I hooked up with a man, not that it was you.”

I lead him back into the living room and push him gently down on the small sofa. “What did he say? I bet he was surprised.” Was it a good surprise or a ‘what the hell have you done’ surprise? I don’t know Merrick, so I can’t tell if he’s a supportive friend or not.



I miss him when we’re not together, and when we are, I want to touch him, be close to him.



Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the second book in the series, and you can read it as a standalone – but characters from the first book are in this book and you'll have their backstory. Brodie has a hot one-night stand... with a man. He's straight and can't stop thinking about that one hot night and that man. Too bad he left while the guy was sleeping and didn't get his name. Ivan can't stop thinking about that night either. When these two see each other again months later, it's on! The sparks and feelings are still there for both of them. The chemistry between Brodie and Ivan is off the charts and their sexy times are H.O.T. I loved watching their relationship grow and when Ivan's past comes back to haunt him, Brodie is right there by his side. This was a sexy, sweet, feel-good love story.

This is the second book in this very engaging series set in lovely south Devon. It involves a new partnership, but we get to meet up with Merrick and Drew, and the leads are their respective best friends!

Ivan was a real grouch in the last book, very angry at Drew for finding love and leaving him behind. This jealousy leads him to go up to London and meet someone who turns his eye and changes his world... but come morning he has gone, and they never even exchanged names!

Roll forward a number of months and Merrick's best friend decides he cannot concentrate since the night that he spent with a man... For the first time ever, feeling everything click in his life... only to leave before finding out his name, so shocked he was at the revelation of his bisexuality.

Yes, of course they find each other over the dinner table in Merrick's newly finished home and then we can sit back and watch how these two men work out how to reconcile their imaginings of the last few months with the fact that their dream person is right next to them. I loved how it all works out... even if there are some pretty serious twists in the tale.

A really good second installment – I hope we are back in Calston Cove again soon!

Lost in Someone is the second book in the Calston Cove series. It can be read as a standalone but reads so much better if read in the order as the author intended.

After having somewhat of a falling out with his best friend, Drew, and his boyfriend, Merrick, Ivan takes a job out of town to get some distance and space. Having the best night of his life with a man he meets at a club, they don't exchange names or any identifying information, Ivan wakes up alone and sad he doesn't get a repeat. Ivan returns to Calston Cove hoping to apologize to his best friend and make some changes to his life. What he doesn't expect is finding out the man from his amazing night happens to be Merrick's best friend and he's staying in town. Does Ivan want more? Absolutely. Can he change everything he thought he knew about his life for something more? Will they survive something they never saw coming from Ivan's past?

Brodie thought he was straight until one night changes everything he thought he knew. But that night was a catalyst for him to change everything in his life, and seeing how happy Merrick is living in Calston Cove, Brodie wants that. He's thought about the man from that night more times than he cares to admit. Finding out he's Drew's best friend and lives in Calston Cove is what he wants, right? Can they pick up where they left off?

The chemistry between Brodie and Ivan is instant and explosive from the very beginning. I loved seeing how they changed so much of their lives as much for themselves as each other. They became stronger through the twists and turns. I can't wait to see what's next for this town!



“Christ, you’re gorgeous. I want you naked. I can’t wait to be inside you.”     “Fuck, yes!”


Author Bio

JJ Harper

You will normally find JJ HARPER in the living room—typing away—with her dog, Siddiqi. As a hopeless romantic, she dives into her stories, always falling in love with her men, making sure they get the happy ever after they deserve, even if they do have to work hard for it.

As a bona fide bookaholic, a wine-drinking and swear-like-a-sailor type of girl, she has yet to work out how to act her age!! LOL. And she has no intentions of growing up or growing old gracefully.

JJ lives in a small, very quiet, village in Lincolnshire, UK, with her husband and dog, and spends all day dreaming up stories full of really hot men.

Connect with JJ Harper!

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Facebook Group: JJ Harper's Honeys






I lost myself in him, and he’s all I see, all I want.


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Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Lost in Someone (Calston Cove #2) by JJ Harper to read and review.

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