Rune Tooby is a smartass rebel and closeted gay biker with
The Born Soldiers motorcycle gang. Rune’s life centered on casual sex and
less-than-legal employment, until a pickup truck full of homophobic white
supremacists rammed into his bike, destroying his hearing and shattering his
life. Learning to live deaf and silent overwhelmed Rune, sending him to humbly
beg help from the last people he trusts completely: the rich and powerful
Dominants of the Manse, who trained Rune in the arts of BDSM.
Oliver Hughes, cocky day trader and sexual Dominant, lives a life of indulgent luxury. Despite this, he feels adrift and unneeded since his beloved submissive, Jackson Whitney, became absorbed into life as a family man and cardiologist, leaving him little time for his Master. When a meeting between Rune and Oliver is carefully arranged by the leaders of Manse, it starts a wild ride, sweeping up everyone who gets too close to the explosive pair. Rune and Oliver find themselves on a path filled with frustrating miscommunications, rage-filled vengeance, and painfully unearthed secrets.
Contains disturbing content.
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Book 4
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Character Interview with Jackson and Oliver
Oliver Hughes, cocky day trader and sexual Dominant, lives a life of indulgent luxury. Despite this, he feels adrift and unneeded since his beloved submissive, Jackson Whitney, became absorbed into life as a family man and cardiologist, leaving him little time for his Master. When a meeting between Rune and Oliver is carefully arranged by the leaders of Manse, it starts a wild ride, sweeping up everyone who gets too close to the explosive pair. Rune and Oliver find themselves on a path filled with frustrating miscommunications, rage-filled vengeance, and painfully unearthed secrets.
Contains disturbing content.
Check the ForbiddenFiction story page for content labels.
Book 4
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Character Interview with Jackson and Oliver
Lynn: I’m here today with Jackson and Oliver. Thank you both for being here.
Oliver: Our pleasure. I’m going to let Jackson take the lead on this one.
Lynn: Okay. Jackson, how long have you two known each other?
Jackson: Hmm. (glances over at Oliver, both of them smirking) A few years. We met through mutual friends. At the time, I was looking for a Dom—got much more than that, though. Olly wasn’t looking for anything in particular.
Oliver: (to Jackson) Just because I wasn’t actively looking doesn’t mean I didn’t like what I found.
Jackson: (to Lynn) He never wanted to sign a contract with a submissive. Not big on commitment.
Oliver: He grew on me anyway.
Lynn: But you are a commitment guy, aren’t you, Jackson?
Jackson: I am. Eight years of college. Tack on another four or so of residency. Now I have my own practice as a cardiologist. I’m happily married to a beautiful, kick-ass woman named Josefina, and we have two lovely daughters—Jada is five and Kayla is three. They’re a handful, but I don’t know what I’d do without ‘em.
Oliver: They get bigger every day, I swear.
Lynn: The girls know you, Oliver?
Oliver: Of course. As a close friend of Jackson’s. And Jo’s. She keeps us both in line, metaphorically speaking.
Lynn: How does that work out, Jackson?
Jackson: Just fine. Jo and I have a specific kind of open relationship. She has a lover who I trust with her, and she trusts Oliver with me. We’re all careful to be safe. We support each other through all of the random life shit that happens to everyone. It’s how we’ve found balance. Sometimes I’m amazed that it works, but it does.
Lynn: What is it that Oliver adds to your life?
Jackson: He’s kind of like my pressure release valve. Marriage, kids, grueling work, keeping up with the house, the bills—it’s a lot. But if I have somewhere to walk away to when it starts to overwhelm, then I’m not putting all of that on Jo. Oliver’s tough on me in ways she could never be. She’s not into the whole dominance and submission thing, and I respect that. I have a tendency to get into my head too much. I overthink. Oliver brings me back to what’s real. What I can feel. It’s like the best kind of wake-up call. He’s also one of my best friends. I need him just as much as I need Jo. (looks over at Oliver) I keep telling him that, but I don’t think he quite believes me. Yet.
Lynn: So it’s just the two of you, then?
Jackson: Well, mostly. But there’s also Adam, Oliver’s soul mate.
Oliver: (to Lynn) He’s not my soul mate. (to Jackson) Don’t look at me like that. (to Lynn) We’re friends. Close friends.
Jackson: (rolls his eyes) Adam is also a Dom, and a painter.
Oliver: And demanding. And bossy. And very tightly wound. He regularly compresses coal into diamonds using just the spectacular force of his puckered butthole.
Jackson: (under his breath) You would know. (to Lynn) I submit to Adam too. And sometimes we include a second submissive in our scenes, just to keep it interesting.
Lynn: Do you think Oliver would sign another contract with a second submissive?
Jackson: (bursts out laughing)
Oliver: (to Jackson) That’s not funny.
Jackson: (falls sideways, clutching his stomach as he belly-laughs)
Oliver: (frowns)
Jackson: (wipes tears from his eyes) Oh. Oh, that’s a good one. Thanks, Lynn, I needed a laugh today.
Lynn: So that’s a no?
Jackson: That’s a hell no.
Oliver: (cuts in defensively) It’s possible. I could surprise you, you know.
Jackson: (pats Oliver’s leg, kisses his cheek) Sure, you could. Just like I could give up my career and become a house-husband so I could lay around the house the whole damn day. Let you and Jo take care of me instead. Could totally happen.
Oliver: (squints at Jackson)
Lynn: Well, thank you both for your time.
Oliver: (to Jackson) I could do it! I’ve… you know… grown a lot, these past few years. I love commitment now. Love it! A lot. And—
Jackson: Sure, you do. You’re very welcome, Lynn.
Sarah – ☆☆☆☆
This is intelligent erotica full of scorching hot scenes that are sensual, emotive, and very kinky. I enjoyed both the complicated characters and their relaxed polyamorous relationships.
I love that the BDSM in this book actually makes sense. Oliver takes charge of Rune, pushing him towards independence and self-awareness – giving him the space he needs to rebuild his confidence.
Beyond the bedroom, I loved the clash of cultures between Oliver’s sophisticated urban world and Rune’s biker gang. This is very sexy erotica but there’s also an engaging plot that pulls the story together. The story tracks Rune’s journey from disabled victim to empowered vigilante. It is also the story of Oliver and his need for a partner who can put him first and need him most.
There are a few scenes in this story that I feel slightly blur the line between BDSM and domestic abuse. There are also a few s/m scenes that are more brutal than I’m comfortable with – but that’s a personal preference. Ultimately, I really enjoyed the emotional intimacy and sexual chemistry between Oliver, Rune, Jackson, and Adam. I look forward to reading more books in this series.
Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆☆
This is the first of this series that I have read – and I did not feel that I had missed out on background. I may well go back and read the others though, as this was an exceptional read.
I gave this story five stars because it is amazingly intense. It does an incredible job of bringing a number of men into an incredibly complex but deeply meaningful and passionate relationship. Yet it carves out a space for the two main leads in a really clever and believable way. It moves the BDSM agenda forward into a beautiful, loving romance, quite separate from the group dynamic, yet intrinsic to the whole. I loved it.
There are so many facets to this story, that I almost don't know what else to say after trying to explain the complexity of the relationships. It gives one a strong sense of what it could be like to lose one's hearing suddenly, and how much effort everyone needs to put into learning a new language, even though technology has developed many ways to help. It gives some strong context to the need to be able to lose control and release all the stress to one's dominant.
I have no doubt I will be rereading this book, because in my worry about outcomes of certain scenes, I know that I was too focused on the fear, that I missed some of the nuance. It will stick with me for a long time as a really interesting and intense view of a multiple D/s relationship. Thank you, Ms. Kelling.
Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/M/M BDSM Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.
This is a story about redemption, love, and healing.
Rune is faltering after a horrible accident that has left him deaf. He was once on top of his game and knew what he wanted in life. But after his accident, he's floating without living. There is a pent-up rage inside of him that won't release its hold on him and Rune is coming to the end of his rope in trying to figure out how to get rid of the ache.
The realization that Oliver is happy but still looking for something in his life is a smack to the face for Oliver. While he has his sub, Jackson, Oliver knows that he is second in Jackson's life to his wife and kids. It's a relationship that has worked for years, but Oliver is also in need of being first.
When Rusn is brought to Oliver, the intensity of this book increased tenfold. Rune is a masochist and Oliver is just the sadist to deliver. There are some scenes that boarder on almost abuse, but given the nature of their relationship, it all makes sense. When you throw Jackson into the mix, it's a M/M/M delicious sandwich.
Overall, this is an intense story about believing in yourself, love and loving yourself, finding a relationship that is true to heart, and overcoming fears. This story is full of complexity that you can't truly understand unless you read the book.
I would definitely recommend reading this book if you can handle the intensity.
Angie – ☆☆☆☆☆
I have not read any of the previous books in this series but I can tell you that they will be added to my to-be-read list. I freaking loved this book. I hate books with no dialogue between characters and even though Rune is deaf there was always some form of communication. The author did a fantastic job making me understand and feel how Rune was feeling. When you add in Oliver, Jackson, and Adam you have a hot group of men that you just can't decide where to start first. This book was more than just the hot sex, it had real issues that still happen every day in society that Rune wanted to help others. I loved the dynamics of Oliver’s relationships and how everyone got along and loved each other.
Lynn Kelling began writing in order to tell stories that aren’t afraid of the dark, don’t hold anything back and always strive to be memorable, forging lasting attachments between character and reader. Her inspiration comes from taking a closer look at behaviors and ideas lurking at the fringes of life—basically anything that people may hesitate to speak of in mixed company, but everyone wonders about anyway. Her work is driven by the taboo in order to expose the humanity within it. Lynn is an artist, designer and lover of any form of creative self-expression that comes from a place of honesty and emotion, whether it's body art or opera. She has had multiple novels published, has written over seventy works of erotic fiction of varying lengths, and always has several novels in progress.
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Hush (The Manse #4) by Lynn Kelling to read and review for this tour.
great reviews and cant wait to read this one!!!!