Friday, July 26, 2024

A Little More Forgiveness by Pauley J. Ray Release Blitz

Release Blitz. A Little More Forgiveness. (Hot Property Book 3) by Pauley J. Ray. July 2nd – 29th.

Three angry men, two loveable dogs and one isolated cabin.
What could possibly go wrong?

Gabriel Sanchez is a man running away from his past, unaware it’s about to catch up to him. Stuck in an isolated cabin with two strangers is the last thing he planned. One guy, a bear of a man shouldering intolerable emotional pain, Gabe instinctively wants to soothe. The other, kinder, gentler, and just wishing to be seen, Gabe desperately wants to show him how visible he is. However, the harder he tries to keep both at bay, the more they fight and the closer they get until his heart begins to desire things he’s promised himself it can never have again.

Leo Taylor has yearned for approval his whole life, and as the lawyer negotiating the sale of a run-down cabin and its land, this time he may just earn it. But, trying to keep the peace between a cocky New Yorker and the grumpiest man alive is slowly taking its toll. During their confinement, secrets are uncovered that will force Leo to make a tough choice. Close the sale and gain the approval he craves, or follow his heart and fight for the men for whom he’s falling head over heels.

Mitchell Houghton is drowning in grief and guilt following the death of his wife four years ago. Then, along comes a lawyer with an outsider who claims to own 50 percent of his home, his land. After years of self-imposed isolation, Mitch is now trapped with them both in his small cabin. Determined to make their lives a misery, he almost succeeds, until their unwanted interaction and attention makes him remember the man he used to be—the one he thought lost forever—giving him another chance at a happiness he’s not sure he deserves.

Author’s Note: This is book three of a four-book series. It does not end on a cliffhanger. Each book concentrates on a different main character from the four owners of a successful construction company. Successive books will include spoilers from the previous ones if the books are not read in order.


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A Little More Forgiveness by Pauley J. Ray

Book 3
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Kobo
Paperback (US)  ~  NineStar Press




“I’m a determined man, Mr. Houghton.”

“Or a foolish one.”

I shrugged, not prepared to admit I was beginning to agree with him.

“Time after time, you were told no, but unlike any decent man, any honorable man, you didn’t leave me alone and walk away, did you?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “No, instead, you went behind my back and began pressuring my brother to sell, recognizing he’d be the more gullible of us, the weaker of the two.”

I frowned at his answer. Obviously, there was far more bad blood between them than I’d originally suspected.

Not my problem.

“And you think it’s me who’s foolish.” I chuckled and shook my head. “I’m here today because you requested this meeting. You. You were the one who’d finally decided to sell.” I lifted my shoulders. “Don’t kid yourself into believing I’m the bad guy in this scenario. It’s pretty obvious as soon as you received our offer and caught sight of all those zero’s, you had a very rapid change of heart.”

“A momentary lapse in judgment,” he snapped at me.

“Whatever.” I balled my hands into fists in my pants trying to remain relaxed, knowing my next admission wasn’t going to be well received. “Oh, and by the way. To be clear, your brother came to us, not the other way around.”

“No.” His sharp rebuttal sounded almost painful.

I shrugged again. “Believe what you want, but I’m telling the truth. Until Jared Houghton offered up his fifty percent, I’d given up on the purchase, had decided you weren’t worth the time and effort to continue pursuing.”

Something flashed in his eyes at my comment but was gone too quick for me to decipher. “There are other cabins, other land”—removing my hands from my pockets, I spread my arms to indicate the shabby interior—“in much better condition.”

He moved off the jamb and was in my face before I had chance to blink, his voice low and threatening. “Be very careful what you say in my home, Mr. Sanchez.” He said my name like my presence left a bad taste in his mouth. “You’re a guest here, and you better remember that—and your manners.”

I took in a few deep breaths, wanting to calm down and ensure I didn’t say something inappropriate. I hated being threatened. Watching Mason after his attack, how he’d get jumpy and scared at the slightest hint of raised voices or aggression from others, I’d done everything in my power to help him work through his trauma. To the point I automatically placed myself in front of him whenever he got anxious, protecting him from anyone getting too close. So Mitchell trying his intimidation act on with me in the hopes I’d cower meekly? Well, I couldn’t help myself.

“Ah, but that’s not quite true anymore, is it?” My blood pumped hard in my veins, rapidly heading south, making me hard. I wouldn’t say I was enjoying our sparring match, but the male aggression filling the air, raising our body temperature, and releasing delicious-smelling pheromones of sweat and musk pushed all my buttons.

I glanced around the room with its worn couch, scuffed oak furniture, and thick log walls, thinking if renovated, the place would look amazing. “I’m not really here as a guest, am I? I own fifty percent, remember? So this place is as much mine as yours.”

I didn’t see the punch coming until it connected with my gut, winding me as it knocked the air from my lungs in a loud whoosh, doubling me over as pain ripped through my abdomen. The next thing I knew, I was grabbed by the collar of my expensive silk shirt and the back of my leather belt and heaved up as if I weighed nothing. He dragged me around the couch to the front door, which, typically, opened as we got there, to a horrified Leo.

Mitchell pushed past him, me firmly in his grip, my struggling useless against his power and strength as he swung me back, and then let gravity pull me speedily forward before releasing me, sending me flying across the porch to land in the snow and frozen dirt at the bottom of the steps in front of the cabin.

“My house,” he roared. “My home. Mine.” Then he slammed the door firmly behind him, leaving me there on my ass and out in the cold.




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the third book in the series, but I feel it can be read as a standalone. I haven't read any of the previous books.

Gabe, Mitch, and Leo are all so different. Each man has baggage; while they do share some things right away, they don't share everything right away. The chemistry is off the charts... hubba hubba. There was angst – how could there not be with all that baggage they each have? I thought the book was a little too long and at times, I just wanted to tie things up for goodness’ sake! Once we get to the end, it was worth it, and these three men got the happily ever after they deserve.



Author Bio

PAULEY J. RAY writes contemporary M/M romantic fiction. His books contain sexy yet complicated and flawed characters searching for their own happily ever after.

When not writing, he can’t wait to get outdoors, and with his husband, go hiking, camping, and travel everywhere they can, as often as they can.

With his husband’s job taking them all over the world, he now gets to write all day, every day, and he's never happier than when sat at his laptop creating new stories about gorgeous and sexy men.

Except when there's coffee... ooh and chocolate... yes, he's way happier when there's coffee and chocolate!

Connect with Pauley J. Ray!

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Hosted by

Gay Book Promotions.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of A Little More Forgiveness (Hot Property #3) by Pauley J. Ray to read and review.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Burning by Linda Castillo

Roots run deep and silence burns. Available wherever books are sold. Minotaur Books.

Chief of Police Kate Burkholder investigates a gruesome murder that reveals a little-known chapter of early Amish history in this next riveting installment of the bestselling series by Linda Castillo.

Newlywed Chief of Police Kate Burkholder is awakened by an urgent midnight call summoning her to a suspicious fire in the woods. When she arrives at the scene, she discovers a charred body. According to the coroner, the deceased, an Amish man named Milan Swanz, was chained to a stake and burned alive. It is an appalling and eerily symbolic crime against an upstanding husband and father.

Kate knows all too well that the Amish prefer to handle their problems without interference from the outside world, and no one will speak about the murdered man. From what she’s able to piece together, Swanz led a deeply troubled life and had recently been excommunicated. But if that’s the case, why are the Amish so reluctant to talk about him? Are they protecting the memory of one of their own? Or are they afraid of something they dare not share?

When her own brother is implicated in the case, Kate finds herself not only at odds with the Amish, the world of which she was once a part, but also the English community and her counterparts in law enforcement. The investigation takes a violent turn when Kate’s life is threatened by a mysterious stranger.

To uncover the truth about the death of Milan Swanz, Kate must dive deep into the Anabaptist culture, peering into all the dark corners of its history, only to uncover a secret legacy that shatters everything she thought she knew about the Amish themselves—and her own roots.


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The Burning by Linda Castillo

Book 16
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  Kobo
Hardcover (US)  ~  Minotaur Books (Macmillan)

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by Kathleen McInerney




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the sixteenth book in the series, but if you are a new fan, don't worry, there is enough contextualising that you will be able to enjoy the story, but may well think you need to invest some time in learning more about the life of lead protagonist Kate!

This book starts with a very gruesome crime, which sets off an investigation for Kate Burkholder and her new husband and long-time partner, Tomasetti. It brings in issues for her own Amish family, and also some very disturbing under the radar activity. She is convinced that this is not a one off and has to engage her whole team in the search for an answer.

This story gets personal for Kate and though she has her delicious, supportive, and understanding husband by her side, she still cannot help being somewhat reckless with her own safety. I had to (not literally) hide my head behind a cushion at times as she went into dangerous situations. I loved how that was dealt with and how maybe she will be a little more thoughtful in future... who knows!

A very intense and engaging storyline, and delicious moments of harmony in the face of crazy when she and Tomasetti get time to be together.



Author Bio

LINDA CASTILLO is the author of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Kate Burkholder series, set in the world of the Amish. The first book, Sworn to Silence, was adapted into a Lifetime original movie titled An Amish Murder starring Neve Campbell as Kate Burkholder. Castillo is the recipient of numerous industry awards. In addition to writing, Castillo’s other passion is horses. She lives in Texas with her husband and is currently at work on her next book.

Connect with Linda Castillo!

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ARC provided by

Minotaur Books.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided with a free copy of The Burning (Kate Burkholder #16) by Linda Castillo to read and review.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fired Up by Gigi Templeton

Passions ignite when two BBQ pros make one rare connection.

The author of Spiced Right serves up scorching romance with just a hint of danger in this novel about a sexy pitmaster and the sultry cook-off host determined to rope him in.

Avery Reed knows how to fire up the grills! And with his piercing blue eyes, the rugged pitmaster makes women’s mouths water, including Layla Jenson’s. She’s a YouTube cook-off host who’s spotlighting talented BBQ cooks across the country. Her current project is a bunkhouse cook showdown—and former pitmaster pro Avery holds the key to its success.

Unfortunately, Layla’s running from a troubled past. And Avery has his own demons nipping at his heels.

When Layla visits the Triple R to ask Avery to be on the show, will their scorching chemistry seal the deal? Or will their complicated pasts tear them apart?

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Spiced Right series!
For book one, Spiced Right, click HERE.


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Fired Up by Gigi Templeton

Book 2
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by CJ Bloom & Eric G. Dove
~ Also Available to Read & Listen with KindleUnlimited ~




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the second book in the series, and whilst I think you would get some more insight of the ranch setup and we do meet the leads of book one, this is definitely a great read as a standalone too.

Layla hosts a YouTube channel dedicated to BBQ cook-offs and her latest venture in bunkhouse showdowns takes her to the Triple R to persuade Avery to join the line-up. Now, I have to admit that I had no idea that anyone went to quite so much trouble to feed hungry ranch hands, but I loved reading about the dedication to getting everything just right when cooking in a pit. I felt very ignorant of the whole setup, but really enjoyed reading about it.

Layla and Avery have an immediate connection which is terribly inconvenient, and seems doomed to failure due to their lifestyles, before taking into account a number of other issues… But Avery is dedicated to his task, and has feelings for her which may not be put out like one of his pit fires. It does mean he has to deal with some of the past that haunts him and drives him to always do better at the ranch.

I loved watching the dance, the blockers, the supporters, and the passion. I enjoyed the fact that they are both solutions-focused and dedicated to being the best... and they found a way to be everything for each other, in spite of the impossibility of it all.

I could have read about this two for a thousand pages... or more!

Avery and Layla have great chemistry right from their very first meeting. They are both intelligent and sexy and have issues in their past that are heavily impacting their lives in the here and now. I was particularly fascinated with Layla’s past and early on my eagerness to find out what secrets she was keeping kept me reading.

One thing I really liked about Fired Up was that I didn’t really know where the story was headed. It surprised me several times with little twists and even right up to the very end. This was one of those great stories where you can’t see how the couple can possibly make a happily ever after work and I admit I cried a few happy tears as the story came to a close.

Fired Up was a fun, sexy, and sometimes emotional romance. I was happy to be back at the Triple R ranch and I hope there will be more books in this series.

Layla is looking for pitmasters to star in her new show, she has several already signed up but the main one she wants is Avery Reed.

Once Layla sees Avery behind his grill, the sparks between them begin to fly. When they talk, the flirting begins and it only grows and the sparks grow into a flame, like on his grill.

I enjoyed this one as much as the first book. The family dynamic on the Reed Ranch is so strong and the connection between Layla and Avery is one everyone wants. Having the support of family, Avery accepts the offer to join the pitmaster show and goes beyond his normal cooking to show his best.

As I said, I enjoyed this one and can't wait for more from this series.



Author Bio

With works ranging from contemporaries to rock star romances to romantic suspense to paranormals, GIGI TEMPLETON is an international bestselling author. Her novels and novellas have been published under three pseudonyms by traditional publishers, including St. Martin’s Press and Hachette/Forever, digital publishers such as Harlequin’s Carina Press, and serialized fiction apps such as Radish Fiction and YONDER. Templeton’s Spiced Right won the Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America’s (MMRWA’s) Best Banter Contest in November 2022. She was also a finalist for the Romantic Times Best Book of the Year and Seal of Excellence.

Templeton lives in Arizona with her real-life hero and her rescued Maltese, and she is currently studying culinary arts and food photography.

Connect with Gigi Templeton!

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided with a free copy of Fired Up (Spiced Right #2) by Gigi Templeton to read and review.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh

What they unearth will reveal a nightmare beyond imagination. This time, the battle is to the death...

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh takes us into a family dark with shadowy secrets, as the world of the Psy teeters on the edge of a final catastrophic collapse...

Daughter of two ruthless high-Gradient telepaths, Auden Scott is not the child her Psy parents wanted or expected, even before her brain injury. Her thoughts are scattered, her memories fuzzy—or just terrifyingly blank. The only thing she knows for certain is that she must protect her unborn baby... a baby she has no recollection of conceiving and who draws an unnerving depth of interest from her dead mother’s closest associates.

Leopard alpha Remi Denier is a man driven by the primal instinct to protect. Protect his pack, protect his allies... and protect the mysterious woman who has become a most unlikely neighbor. With eerie eyes that see too much and a scent that alters in ways disturbing and impossible, Auden Scott is the enemy... but nothing about this strange Psy is what it seems, and Remi’s feline heart is as fascinated by her as his human half.

Then Auden asks Remi to help her shatter the wall of secrets that is the Scott bloodline. What they unearth will reveal a nightmare beyond imagination. This time, the battle is to the death...

Don’t miss our reviews of other books in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series!
For book one, Silver Silence, click HERE.
For book two, Ocean Light, click HERE.
For book three, Wolf Rain, click HERE.
For book four, Alpha Night, click HERE.
For book five, Last Guard, click HERE.
For book six, Storm Echo, click HERE.


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Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh

Book 8
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  Kobo
Hardcover (US)  ~  Berkley Romance

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by Angela Dawe




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary Jo☆☆☆☆
I have been waiting for this book since book seven.

Auden Scott. The daughter of Shoshanna Scott and Henry Scott. A broken Psy even before the PsyNet began to fail. Auden, who had carved out a somewhat simple life, is now on edge as her brain injury seems to be getting worse.

Remi Denier, the Alpha of RainFire, is a dominant – alpha – feline who finally accepted the mantle of leadership and formed his own pack. Buying land in the middle of nowhere Colorado, his plans for his pack are to lead a simple life – staying away from trouble.

But what happens when trouble finds him? News of Auden Scott inheriting the property adjacent to him makes a cat curious. Auden is not what he expects, even for a Psy. She's distant, almost as if she isn't processing what she's actually seeing. As if someone else is staring out of her eyes.

Auden doesn't know what is going on with her. She doesn't remember a lot of things that have been happening to her since the death of her mother, including getting pregnant. But she knows that her child is the answer to the question she doesn't remember.

The continuing world-building in this series is nice, but it also limits the story between Remi and Auden. I would have like to have seen more development between the main and supporting characters. The cameos of characters from other books gives added depth to Primal Mirror.

I really enjoyed this book, staying up late to read it all in one night. Then going back for a re-read the same week.

Primal Mirror is the eighth installment in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series as well as the 23rd installment in the Psy-Changeling Series. Primal Mirror cannot be read as a standalone. However, it can be read out of series order if familiar with the overall world-building, where you've read the majority of the series.

I need to preface this review by stating how I feel as if the overarching world-building and backstory is overly complex and completely buries the story attempting to be told. Added in with the female main character suffering from a brain injury, the beginning of the novel was nearly impossible to enjoy, filled with nothing but confusion, the need to make a spreadsheet to order events, and not much of entertainment value. It was purposefully confusing, not truly focused on either of the main characters, overshadowing any romance or connection the main characters may or may not have felt to one another.

I adored this series, as well as all of the other series Nalini Singh has written. I know this series like the back of my hand, not confused by events that have taken place. But there is an overall chaotic, end of days feeling to the novels as of late, which erases any feel-good emotions and entertainment value I may experience. Reading this series has become stressful, so it's difficult to root for the main couple in each novel, as their romance and connection is completely smothered by the never-ending plot arc that binds these novels into a series.

This series has become a slog, no longer pleasurable to read and enjoy as a couple finds their way to one another. I love angst, drama, and suspense, not one for in-my-face romance, but the overly complex world-building and backstory are drowning the main plot in the past few installments.

Auden Scott inherits the land next to Leopard Alpha Remi Denier's pack lands. She is suffering from a debilitating brain issue which stems from her family utilizing medical procedures outside of her consent, added in with the fact that she is also pregnant, which was a medical procedure outside of her consent, without her knowledge, which adds into the inability to remember events.

Auden Scott is a difficult character to connect with, not only because of the abuses she has suffered at the hands of her family, but the fact that she doesn't even remember these abuses, remember much of anything really. The ultimate of an unreliable narrator. How can the reader know Auden when she doesn't know anything about herself either? I could empathize and sympathize, but I was left feeling as confused as she was.

Remi Denier is easier to understand, especially since he is a reliable narrator. His narration easier to digest, but it is still overshadowed by all the hundreds of plots coming together to where the reader doesn't get to know him well enough to connect with him.

I wanted to love Auden and Remi, but I never got to know them. I wanted to ship them as a couple, but they barely shared any time together on the pages to develop a connection with one another and to the reader. A slow-burn vibe with no passion, no connection, or sexual attraction. Auden is suffering across the board, pregnant, and dealing with issues with her family and the PsyNet, she had no room for romance, so what little romance there was seemed oddly misplaced and paced.

This novel did not work for me. Auden and Remi used as a vehicle to continue to slog through the tangled, overly complex, anxiety-ridden, chaotic backstory and world-building, which I personally do not find very entertaining.



Author Bio

New York Times bestselling author NALINI SINGH is passionate about writing. Though she’s traveled as far afield as the deserts of China, the Highlands of Scotland, and the frozen landscapes of Antarctica, it is the journey of the imagination that fascinates her most. She’s beyond delighted to be able to follow her dream as a writer. Nalini lives and works in beautiful New Zealand. You can contact her directly through her website. While visiting the site, Nalini invites you to join her newsletter for up-to-date news about both the Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter series, as well as fun exclusive extras, including free short stories set in her worlds.

Connect with Nalini Singh!

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ARC provided by

Berkley Romance.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided with a free copy of Primal Mirror (Psy-Changeling Trinity #8) by Nalini Singh to read and review.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Method Acting by N.R. Walker Spotlight

Release Tour. N.R. Walker’s Method Acting.


Every budding actor knows acting is a difficult gig. There will be grueling auditions and punishing rejections. If you’re lucky, there’ll be roles that pay the bills and even roles that won’t.

Roles we don’t believe in.

But that’s what acting is—acting as if we do believe in them.

So when the semester’s production project is announced and I’m cast as one of the leads, I’m ecstatic. A lot of responsibility, a lot of work, but I’m up for it. Even when I find out what my role is and who my partner is. Amos, the brooding James Dean wannabe, is my on-screen boyfriend. Which is great, except for the fact he hates me.

I can do this. It’s just acting.

Nothing more.


The 90s are back, apparently. 90210 and Friends, but with a reality TV spin, which means cameras following us around as if they’re capturing the everyday lives of Franklin U students.

Me, but not me.

Me, with no more than a character description, no script or screenplay. Method acting, being the character 24/7, not just when the cameras are rolling. With a campus boyfriend.

Method acting is immersive and intense, and it can be confusing if the lines begin to blur. I mean, I’ve dreamed of being with the irritatingly gorgeous and annoyingly popular Chase Soria, and now I have to be his on-screen boyfriend?

I’m a good actor, sure. But how can I be convincing when I’m not sure I can even convince myself?

Don’t miss our reviews of other books in the Franklin U 2 series!
For book one, The Hookup Mix-Up, click HERE.
For book three, Batting Style, click HERE.
For book four, Level Up, click HERE.
For book five, Full Service, click HERE.
For book six, Tongue Tied, click HERE.


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Method Acting by N.R. Walker

Book 7
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)  ~  Illustrated Cover Paperback (US)

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by Nick J. Russo
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~



“…now we’re going to be doing some intimacy exercises.” Intimacy exercises. With Chase Soria. Fuck. My. Life.


Author Bio

N.R. Walker.

N.R. WALKER is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.

She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since…

Connect with N.R. Walker!

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Facebook Group: N.R. Walker's Readers' Group






“You want a real boyfriend kiss?” he murmured, his voice a rough whisper.


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Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Friday, July 19, 2024

How Much for a Life of Lies? by RJ Scott Release Blitz

Shadow Team 3. How Much for a Life of Lies? RJ Scott.

Posing as a couple leads to passionate nights and dangerous days, but when their undercover mission implodes, revenge is everything, love is impossible, and they have nowhere left to run.

Zach has always been a man torn between duty and family. Strong, capable, and fiercely dedicated to being a SEAL, he’s made countless sacrifices to ensure the safety of his son and his country. Driven by guilt, he leaves newborn Charlie in the care of his estranged twin brother, and no one, not even his self-destructive team mate, Kai, can make him change his mind. Their partnership can never be anything but a clash of personalities, with Kai’s fiery nature and Zach’s stubborn focus on duty, but as they navigate their latest undercover mission, one more stolen moment is all it takes for every barrier between them to disintegrate.

Kai, former 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron, raised in a survivalist environment, is a skilled helicopter pilot, a loner, and never wanted a partner. When he’s kicked out of the service for not being a team player, he moves from black ops to the new Shadow Team, alongside Zach. The team wants his ability to color outside the lines, and challenge authority—he just wants a job that gets him into the action.

As their covert operation in the Canadian wilderness takes a dangerous turn, they run for survival, hemmed in by imminent dangers. With no one else to trust, they must lean on each other. But as their bond deepens, and passion explodes, will they live to see another day?

Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Shadow Team series!
For book one, How Much for the Whole Night?, click HERE.
For book two, How Much for a Broken Heart?, click HERE.


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How Much for a Life of Lies? by RJ Scott

Book 3
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Apple Books  ~  B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  Kobo
Paperback (US)  ~  Signed Paperback




He was laying down protective fire in controlled bursts, but what did he think was going to happen when the bullets ran out? With grim determination, he fired his weapon, each shot aimed at the enemy, but stopping my team from getting close. How had he not gotten himself killed yet? I closed the distance between us, moving swiftly and silently. A body lay behind the man with the weapon—a captor in flowing white, blood in a pool under him, his eyes wide and vacant, his throat cut. I jumped over the crumpled heap of man, reached out of the door, exposing myself to bullets, and gripped the gunman by the scruff of his neck. He whirled on me, his knees bent, already pivoting to take me down as we fell backward into the gloom. His eyes widened in recognition as his fist met my eye socket, but he was exhausted and beaten and I shoved him down with a knee to his lower back, holding him away from the line of fire and then dragging him into the relative safety of the darkened interior of the house.

“Stay down,” I ordered. Despite his exhaustion, evidenced by his hollow cheeks, dulled eyes, and blood-covered body, I recognized him from the pre mission briefing—Kai Henderson, 427 co-pilot. His clothes hung loose on him, evidence of the weight he had lost during the three weeks’ captivity. Dark bruises and scrapes marred his skin, showing the physical toll of imprisonment, but there was a defiant glint in his eyes and he gripped the stolen AK-47 tight as he rolled to stand.

“Get the fuck back,” I snapped.

He didn’t move a freaking muscle, just tipped his chin.

“My crew, my responsibility,” he summarized, and shifted to the other side of the door.

“Bravo 3, clear, hostages to the rear,” I said as I stared at the scrap of man who thought he could be a human shield to the people behind us. “Fucking idiot!” I cursed at him, but he didn’t waver. Brave or stupid? I couldn’t tell. Maybe torture had caused him to lose his mind? He glanced at me, focus in his startling blue eyes, and despite the chaos unfolding around us, he didn’t move. It wasn’t until the rest of the SEALs breached the door and flooded into the house that he relaxed, albeit for a millisecond. When they reached us, they began to secure the area and half the team split for the hostages.

McKenzie, a twenty-year SEAL veteran and our team leader, faced up to Kai, and tried to take the weapon, but Kai wasn’t letting go, his eyes flashing with defiance as he moved between the SEALs and the hostages, torn between his instincts to protection and the authority of a ranking officer.

“Stand down, airman,” McKenzie said, firm and commanding.

Kai’s grip tightened on the weapon, his jaw clenched, his eyes unfocused, and it was then I saw the drip of blood from his hand, a steady splash of scarlet on the ground. I inclined my head at the evidence of his injury, and McKenzie nodded. Henderson was losing blood, oblivious to it in his attempts to save his crew and the hostages, and for a moment, it appeared Kai might defy the order. His gaze locked in a silent standoff with our leader. I held my breath, ready to step in, but then with a resigned sigh, Kai lowered the weapon, his shoulders slumping, and adrenalin flooding away from him. McKenzie took Kai’s weapon, then placed a hand on his arm.

“You did good, kid,” he said.

“Not a kid,” Henderson snarled. A myriad of emotions swirled in his blue eyes, just beneath the surface—exhaustion, defiance, and a fierce determination to hold his ground. Although his features showed signs of exhaustion, he was all raw energy, prepared to confront any challenges and pissed at the kid label. “Not. A. Fucking. Kid.”




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the third book in the series, and I would definitely recommend that you read them in order to get the full goodness of the stories – and some early insight into these two characters.

Zach and Kai are an unlikely pairing. Clearly fated to be thrown together and find the trust they desperately need to believe can be real, as well as to learn about love. For Zach, discovering he is a father, and trusting the twin he was separated from as a tiny boy to care for him starts the journey to having feelings. For Kai, it is much more the feelings he has for Zach which are far more than attraction.

As they work together in desperately dangerous missions, that trust of a comrade develops into something distracting and urgent... so the tension and the drama ramp up very nicely for the reader – and the outcome can only be spectacular and life affirming!

Another good read in this drama intense series.

How Much for a Life of Lies? is the third installment in the Shadow Team series. It can be read as a standalone, but I don't recommend it. It reads much better reading in the order the author intended.

This book starts with Then, where you get to see when Zach and Kai meet for the first time. The attraction between them and how they go their separate ways. And then how they both came to work together for the Sanctuary off-shoot, Shadow Team. Zach and Kai are the most unlikely as partners. Zach is serious and dedicated as a SEAL, Kai does what needs to be done to get the results he wants. They each have tons of their own baggage but when it comes down to it, they rely on each other in the most dangerous of situations.

I was dying to find out why Zach would leave his son with his twin brother that he's never met, and it completely lived up to all of my expectations! I loved everything about it. Zach and Kai were perfect for each other and realized it before it was too late. I hope there is more for this series!



Author Bio

RJ Scott. Romance Author.

USA Today bestselling author RJ SCOTT has written over one hundred and fifty romance books. Emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, single dads, hockey players, millionaires, princes, bodyguards, Navy SEALs, soldiers, doctors, paramedics, firefighters, cops, and the men who get mixed up in their lives, always with a happy ever after.

She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing. The last time she had a week’s break from writing, she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a box of chocolates she couldn’t defeat.

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of How Much for a Life of Lies? (Shadow Team #3) by RJ Scott to read and review.