Heavenly Young doesn’t have time for romance. The innocent
nursing student is struggling to care for her ailing father, keep a roof over
their head, and start a new career. But fate decides to complicate her world
even more by putting two very different men in her path and forcing her to make
a choice that will change her life forever.
Dr. Ken Beckman—vascular surgeon by day, super-alpha by night—has three
hard-and-fast rules: Never date where he works, never touch vanillas, and never
get tangled up with a virgin. But the moment he meets Heavenly, he aches to
toss his scruples aside and claim the untouched beauty. She’s not ready for
someone like him…but he wants her too much to walk away—even though he’s not
the only man caught in her spell.
Seth Cooper, ex-cop turned private eye, isn’t looking for a happily ever after,
just a hot-and-sweaty good time. And the minute he claps eyes on Heavenly, he’s
all for coaxing the angel into his bed. But soon, she’s so deep under his skin
that he’s willing to put his broken past behind him and turn his life upside
down for her. But he’s got competition…
When it came to helping friends, Beck and Seth were in sync. But now they’re
vying for the same girl, and the games get vicious—until they realize Heavenly
is keeping secrets from them both. Will they call a truce and work together
again before they both lose her for good?
Book 1
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Raine’s big brother shoved a glass of thick red vino in her hand. “So, did you find someone to fuck your brains out?”
She recoiled. If she gave him an equally blunt answer, would he stop this mortifying inquisition?
“Yes. It was easy.” Heavenly punctuated her lie with a bright smile.
River glowered. “Tell me Beck or Seth finally manned up.”
“He’s someone you don’t know.”
One of River’s dark brows shot up. “Where did you meet him?”
“Um… around.”
“What does that mean? A park? A bar? A grocery store? A swingers’ club?”
“Why does it matter? I found someone and it was lovely.”
He looked skeptical. “Lovely? That’s how you describe meeting a stranger, losing your clothes, and banging him?”
Heavenly bristled. “How would you describe a hookup?”
“Hot, sweaty, messy. Mind-blowing. Spine-melting. Earth-shattering.” River snorted. “Never lovely.”
“Sweaty?” She shuddered. “That sounds unpleasant. It was nice. I… tingled.”
“Tingled?” He scowled. “Did your pussy fall asleep because he couldn’t find your clit? Maybe you should have given him a map.”
She nearly choked on her wine. “I found the experience perfectly satisfying.”
“Sweetheart, you don’t know squat about satisfaction.” Raine’s brother leaned in and peered at her, eye to eye. “Here’s what I think happened: You haven’t so much as flirted with another man. You don’t understand why ‘lovely’ sex is bad because you’ve never had it. In fact, not only did you not have sex with this mysterious ‘stud,’ you haven’t offered the virginity you asked me to take to anyone else.”
“What. The fuck. Did you say?” Beck growled suddenly.
Heavenly glanced over her shoulder. Both Beck and Seth glared from across the kitchen. Oh, no.
“Get out,” Seth snapped at River, hauling ass across the room. “Now. While you can still walk.”
Dread burned her veins. She didn’t have to wonder how much they’d overheard. Obviously, it had been more than enough. Tonight had just gone from mortifying to catastrophic.
River backed away, hands raised. “Hey, just so you know, I turned her down because I like my balls where they are.”
“That’s the only reason you’re getting to keep them,” Beck insisted. “Seth told you to get the fuck out.”
“I’m leaving,” River assured, then glanced her way. “Good luck.”
Once he’d gone, silence descended. She was alone with the two men who had been tempting, confusing, and consuming her for months. They were going to demand answers.
This wouldn’t end well.
Heavenly drew in a shaky breath, startled to find both now inches away, arms crossed over their chests. Aggression rolled off them, filling the tense air. Beck drilled holes through her with narrowed eyes, set off by a scathing slash of his mouth. Seth’s seething stare was no less displeased. Unfortunately, she had nothing to offer the savage beasts except a smile full of trembling bravado.
Because the truth would change everything.
Reviews by the
Wicked Reads Review Team
Avid Reader –
M/F/M Romance (Slight BDSM)
Triggers: Click
HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger
Heavenly is a very young, naïve woman who enthralls two different doms.
She is a hardworking, lovable woman whose first priority is her father. While
he is sick with an auto-immune disease, she is able to befriend Beckman, a
friendly surgeon who is immediately taken with Heavenly's pure nature. Despite
Beckman's kinkier needs – he is a sadist – he can't help but want Heavenly for
a sub.
Then you have Seth. He is also a dom but not a sadist. He is in town to help
his good friend, but when he meets Heavenly, he too is immediately drawn to her
sweetness and good heart.
You watch these two men try to figure out how to woo Heavenly and you also
watch Heavenly struggle with wanting two different men. This was mostly about
the three of them figuring out how and whether or not they could develop a
relationship. There was a lot of buildup but not a lot of physical connection.
What was described was steamy and just what you'd expect, but it was very
little of the story.
I really enjoyed how this story was written. There were different points of
view and I thought that really helped create the right atmosphere for when they
all came together. Their chemistry is off the charts and their relationship,
while unconventional, is one that will hopefully work for them all. While I
wouldn't say that this is your typical story, all three authors wrote a
compelling romance and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Ruthie –
This is the first in a new series – but we have met many of the characters in
the first Doms of Her Life series, which means that it is very easy to fall
straight back into that world. If you have not read them, then I would highly
recommend you do. I would say before this one if you can, but this would be a
good starting point too.
What a fabulous name for such an innocent character! Heavenly Young had to grow
up far too quickly when her mother abandoned her and her sick father, but that
stinted all standard growing up for a beautiful young woman. So when two,
significantly older, and most definitely far more experienced men start to pay
her attention, she is most confused. And possibly more amusingly to the reader,
both the dominant (one even a sadist) men are confused by their feelings too!
Really, this is the most fascinating setup of a ménage novel I have read in a
long time.
Given the distance that all three of them have to travel, you can be sure that
we get a wonderfully complex and intense story developing. Heavenly feels obliged
to keep her home life private, as she is embarrassed at how she and her father
live. She does, however, want to explore the feelings that both men incite in
her. Beck and Seth, who have known Raine, Macen, and Liam and their story, have
no intention of sharing Heavenly and so the competition is on...
Knowing that this was the first book in the series, I was well aware that my
patience would be stretched as these three people come to terms with what
could, what might, and what should be their future. But to be honest, the
writing is so good, and the plot so full of twists and wonderful dialogue, the
end drew close all too quickly. I defy you not to get all hot and bothered from
the power of words and very little action.
I cannot wait to see how things move from the rather cliffhanger ending. So
much more to come, of that I am sure!
Mary –
Heavenly Young is a naïve young woman that knows nothing about love or being in
love. With the way her mother left and her father being sick, she had to grow
up really fast. She didn't get the chance to grow from a teenager to a young
adult because she had to become her father’s caregiver. Now she is a volunteer
at the hospital, taking internet classes to become a nurse, and working a night
job to help pay the bills and cover her dad’s medicine.
Beck and Seth were drawn to her from the moment they saw her. They haven't had
feelings like this before and they each want her for themselves. So they will
fight for her feelings, even play a few jokes on each other to win her over.
Both men will figure out that they will have to work together to get Heavenly
to see that they just want to protect her and help her. Can they work together
to make that happen? Will she be able to let them in and tell them about her
I found this story well written and I would not have known it was by three
authors if I hadn't saw it with my own eyes. It flows very well and is a great
story that will have you on the edge of your seat at times. There were a few
places that dragged for me but not enough to make me stop reading. There is a
big cliffhanger, so be prepared for that. I can't wait to see what happens
next. And I need to go back and read Raine's books because I haven't read those
Shayla Black
Shayla Black is the
New York Times
USA Today bestselling author of
more than sixty novels. For nearly twenty years, she’s written contemporary,
erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent,
foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold millions of copies and been
published in a dozen languages.
Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to
the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and
realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her
imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and
embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always
been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a
full-time author for the past eight years.
Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband,
her teenage daughter, and two spoiled tabbies. In her “free” time, she enjoys
reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.
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Jenna Jacob
USA Today Bestselling author
Jenna Jacob paints a canvas of passion,
romance, and humor as her alpha men and the feisty women who love them unravel
their souls, heal their scars, and find a happy-ever-after kind of love.
Heart-tugging, captivating, and steamy, Jenna’s books will surely leave you
breathless and craving more.
A mom of four grown children, Jenna and her alpha-hunk husband live in Kansas.
She loves reading, getting away from the city on the back of a Harley, music,
camping, and cooking.
Meet her wild and wicked fictional family in Jenna’s sultry series: The Doms of
Genesis. Become spellbound by searing triple love connections in her continuing
saga: The Doms of Her Life (co-written with the amazing Shayla Black and
Isabella LaPearl). Journey with couples struggling to resolve their pasts and
heal their scars to discover unbridled love and devotion in her contemporary
series: Passionate Hearts. Or laugh along as Jenna lets her zany sense of humor
and lack of filter run free in the romantic comedy series: Hotties of Haven.
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Isabella LePearl
Isabella LaPearl is a
USA Today
bestselling author known for her collaboration with Shayla Black & Jenna
Jacob for the Doms of Her Life Series. She enjoys writing sexy, erotic romance.
A wife, mother, writer, reader and a love for riding motorcycles.
To say it's been an extraordinary journey thus far would be an
understatement... what a rush! What a thrill to realize dreams and see them go
from a seed to fruition. So for all you aspiring Authors, who like me, have a
fire inside that burns brightly and demands to be sated by writing... Never
give up.
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Hosted by
Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided
a free copy of The Choice (Doms of Her Life: Heavenly Rising #1) by Shayla
Black, Jenna Jacob & Isabella LaPearl to read and review for this tour.