Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Trick Play by Max Monroe Blog Tour

Booze, women, and brotherhood—that’s what my good friend Quinn’s bachelor party should have been.

Booze, one mysterious raven-haired woman, and an arrest—that’s what it was.

As Cam Mitchell, a New York Maverick and one of the best tight ends in the professional football league, my to-do list should be pretty simple.

Play ball.
Get laid.
Have fun.

But after one hour with a stripper named Trixie, that list of mine has shifted dramatically.

Tell Quinn to call my lawyer.
And, for the love of God, don’t get fired from the Mavericks.

I swear, I tried to make it stop there.
But one tiny thing keeps finding its way to the very top…

Find out more about the dark-haired beauty with the big blue eyes and make her mine.

Too bad it’s a hell of a lot more complicated than that.

How do you fall in love with a woman whose real name you don’t know?

Well, ladies and gentlemen… I’m about to find out.

From the New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of Tapping the Billionaire comes a hilarious and sexy standalone about a secret, forbidden romance and just how tricky love can be.

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Book 3
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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary Jo☆☆☆☆
Holy Mavericks, Batman!!! Max Monroe has done it again. Their Mavericks Tackle Love series gets better with each book – and I love how we get glimpses of Quinn & Cat as well as Sean & Six!

I also love how Wes Lancaster puts Cam on notice. I've missed Wes... (that's a hint to Max and Monroe that we need a little more Wes AND Winnie).

I loved Cam's reaction to "Trixie" when she treats him just like another customer at the club where she dances. Trixie – aka Lana Simone – is an undercover detective working to bring down the owners of the club and she doesn't want to appear to be anything other than a girl down on her luck having to work the mean streets of Hoboken. Well, the pole anyway.

Cam knows there's more to Lana than meets the eye but the on again/off again vibes he's getting from her confuse him. He genuinely cares about her but Lana's ability to close herself off from him is beginning to make him believe that she's just not that into him.

Lana's realization that her career is not the most important thing in her life also causes her to reflect on the person that is all that and wrapped up in a tight fitting jersey for her own personal enjoyment.

This is the third book in the series and follows on from previous stories, but with a different lead, so it is great reading in its own right too. Do read the first two though, as they are great fun.

Cam is a good guy, evidenced by him offering to take all the lap dances at Quinn's bachelor party so he doesn't feel guilty! The evening does not end as planned, but Cam is totally distracted by Trixie, a stripper he feels a strong connection to, so he hardly cares.

As he tries everything he can to find out more about her, but also attempts not to be stalkerish, we do get to know that he is a genuinely good guy. We also learn that there is a pretty big complication holding Trixie, aka Lana, back from getting to know Cam better. I love this extra twist and the dilemmas it brings to the story. The fact that we get both their points of view ensures we know the score, even when they are in the dark.

As they do spend more time together, the problem of separating work from pleasure becomes an even bigger issue for Lana, and one that is causing her a crisis of conscience and threatening heartbreak. Obviously Max Monroe will give us the story we want, we just have to be patient, and enjoy the ride, in all its twists and turns.

As in the other two books, there is some sport, although much of the romance happens away from the bright lights, for very good reason! I am looking forward to Leo's story coming soon.

Also Available in the Mavericks Tackle Love Series

Book 1
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Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
B&N  Google Play  ~  iTunes  ~  Kobo

For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Wildcat Blog Tour.

Book 2
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  iTunes  ~  Kobo

For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Pick Six Release Blitz.

A secret duo of romance authors team up under the pseudonym Max Monroe to bring you a sexy, laugh-out-loud new series… & more. ;)

New writing partners and long time friends, Max and Monroe strive to live and write all the fun, sexy swoon so often missing from their Facebook newsfeed. Sarcastic by nature, their two writing souls feel like they’ve found their other half.

Stay tuned for the future—this is where the fun begins.

Connect with Max

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Trick Play (Mavericks Tackle Love #3) by Max Monroe to read and review for this tour.

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