The jock, the nerd, and a little spring fever…
I don’t understand hockey at all. Or any sport. Attending a team party with my best friend might be a mistake. As an out and proud geek, I admit that hanging out with a bunch of jocks and their admirers isn’t my idea of fun, but getting kidnapped by a sexy hockey player who claims to have a crush on me is definitely a highlight. And finding out that Logan St. James is bisexual makes everything more interesting.
Keeping my big bi secret hasn’t been easy. I have a couple of months of college left and one more game to play. I’m determined to make the most of it and spend as much time as possible with the sexy guy I’ve had a crush on since freshman year. I don’t want this to be over. There must be a way to come out in spring.
Out in Spring is a low-angst MM, bisexual awakening staring a hunky hockey player, a sweet-natured geek, and a little college fun. This story is part of the Out in College series, but each book can be read as a standalone.
Book 6
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
I don’t understand hockey at all. Or any sport. Attending a team party with my best friend might be a mistake. As an out and proud geek, I admit that hanging out with a bunch of jocks and their admirers isn’t my idea of fun, but getting kidnapped by a sexy hockey player who claims to have a crush on me is definitely a highlight. And finding out that Logan St. James is bisexual makes everything more interesting.
Keeping my big bi secret hasn’t been easy. I have a couple of months of college left and one more game to play. I’m determined to make the most of it and spend as much time as possible with the sexy guy I’ve had a crush on since freshman year. I don’t want this to be over. There must be a way to come out in spring.
Out in Spring is a low-angst MM, bisexual awakening staring a hunky hockey player, a sweet-natured geek, and a little college fun. This story is part of the Out in College series, but each book can be read as a standalone.
Book 6
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
“Let’s see how many times we can go across the monkey bars without stopping. In other words, go to the slide and back until your arms give up on you. Winner chooses the next contest and—”
“Hold on. That’s not fair. We both know you’re going to win.”
“Yeah, that’s true. I’ll collect the first prize. Something easy… like you have to answer a truth or dare question. Ready?”
“No, you already owe me, remember?”
I did a quick trip across the bars, then dropped to my feet and brushed my hands off. “You’re right. What would you like?”
“Uh… I don’t know.”
“Come on. Think of something. It has to be reasonable, though. I don’t have a million bucks or a year’s supply of M&M’s in my truck,” I warned.
Ned lifted a brow. “Really? You have T-shirts and sweatshirts. Why don’t you have M&M’s?”
“That’s a genius question. I need to fix that ASAP. Truth is, I live out of my truck. Not literally, but I’ve got a lot of necessities… shoes, socks, water, a first aid kit, lube, a box of condoms.”
He wrapped his arms around himself and shivered. “How about a blanket?”
“Yep. Wait here. And watch out for fairies.”
I ran to my SUV, pulled a wool plaid blanket from the trunk, and hurried to find Ned sitting on the pirate ship with his legs dangling off the edge. I climbed the short set of stairs and draped the blanket over his shoulders.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Cozy up, ’cause this could take a while.” I flexed my knuckles and started to reach for the first bar, but paused instead. “Or do you want to go first?”
“No, thanks. I’m not good at anything that requires coordination. And those bars are germy. I have Purell in my pocket, but when I fall—”
“I’ll catch you,” I intercepted. “YOLO, Nedster. I don’t want to go back to that party, and I don’t really want to go home. And you don’t either.”
“I don’t?”
“Nope. You’d rather hang out with me.” I waggled my brows comically.
I jumped from the pirate ship before he could argue, then pointed at the bar above me and motioned for him to get moving.
“What about the blanket?” He chuckled when I rolled my eyes. “Okay, fine. But I want to change the rules. If I get to the other side without falling, I should get another prize.”
“Another one? That seems kinda greedy, but all right,” I teased, crooking my forefinger.
“Here goes nothing.” Ned sighed as he stood, glancing from the row of bars to me and back again. He clutched the first one with both hands… and immediately fell.
I caught him around his waist and held him closer than necessary, so he brushed my chest before his feet hit the ground. I didn’t let him go. I stared at his mouth and licked my lips. “It’s okay. Try it again.”
“Um… all right.” Ned let out a nervous chuckle as he set one hand on my shoulder and the other on the bar.
I let go when he gripped both hands around one bar, then reached for the next. And the next. At the halfway mark I cheered him on with a loud whoop, pumping my fist in the air and counting down the bars left. Five, four, three, two…
He dropped like a lead balloon… and sure, I caught him again. But let’s get something straight. Ned wasn’t a small person. Sure, he was on the skinny side, but he was at least six feet tall. I didn’t exactly “catch” him. It was more a matter of pulling him against me and holding on. I fully admit that my maneuver was premeditated. But my goofy, off-the-cuff quest to steal a few more minutes with my crush backfired big time. I didn’t count on my body’s reaction.
I swallowed hard and brushed my sleeve over my nose. “Maybe we should, um…”
He nodded, but he didn’t move. And neither did I.
Erica – ☆☆☆☆
Out in Spring is the sixth installment in the Out in College series. This short novella can easily be read as a standalone with zero confusion.
The perfect hour and a half escape on a rainy, blustery spring day.
Ned is out and proud, a man who desires to break out of the mold his family has created, wanting to pave this own path through life, simply because he needs to know if he can do it on his own. Ned is solid.
Then there is Logan. A bisexual hockey-player-sized hummingbird or squirrel, his personality is high-energy, zany, and a little bit nuts. Reading Logan's narrative, as well as the conversations he has with Ned, it had my mind spinning all over the place. While humorous, silly yet sweet, and lighthearted, it made the novella seem as unfocused as their conversations.
A tasty treat, but with so few pages, it was impossible for me to connect deeply with the characters or root for their happily ever after. There wasn't enough content to become invested.
On the drama/conflict front, it seems just tacked on, unnecessary, and insulting to the female gender. The ex-girlfriend was meant to bring the drama, but it just fell flat. Led to nowhere.
I don't understand why people attempt to hold others hostage in a relationship, no matter the means, in order to get them to stay, when it's clear they don't want them. But this is all on Logan. Tell her no. Stop dragging it out in fear of hurting her feelings. They weren't together, knew they'd never be together. To be honest, this has more to do with Logan not putting up any boundaries than it does a crazy ex. It was Logan's responsibility to remove all miscommunication. You can't so obviously manipulate someone once they tell you no. I get that this is from the male perspective, but dang... someone needed to tell her to stop being so obviously desperate for someone who didn't want her.
It put a bad taste in my mouth yet again that women have to be the villain in a tale about two boys who kiss each other, when she had zero impact on the story whatsoever.
A cute, fast novella, balanced between a zany hummingbird of a hockey player and a calm and serious thinker, with a delirious ex to bring a hiccup of conflict. I look forward to more of this series in the future.
Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the sixth book in the series, and whilst it could be enjoyed as standalone, it follows on from earlier books and includes protagonists from them.
Logan is coming to the end of his time at college and his hockey career. He has an ex-girlfriend called Kelly, who doesn't really want to let him go, and tempts him with a job in her father's business. She called it off after he told her that he was bisexual, so really she has no claim, but try explaining that to her...
Ned has avoided jocks throughout college but supports his BFF, Kendra, in her mission to get herself a hockey-playing boyfriend (or hook up). This sets up a meeting between Logan and Ned... although we do learn that it is not Logan's first sight of Ned, not at all. I enjoyed the lightness of touch between the two of them – the nerves of Ned to be with such a big guy, and the 'kidnap' made for a great first meeting story.
As the two men get closer, they both recognise this could be special, but are dealing with their own hang-ups regarding it being more than a short term thing. I really enjoyed the low level of drama, and the real issues which final year students have to deal with: love, career, exams, and life in general.
Another good story based on a very lovely romance. Thank you, Lane Hayes!
Also Available in the Out in College Series
Book 1
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Out in the Deep Release Blitz and the Out in the Deep Audiobook Release Blitz.
Book 2
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Out in the End Zone Audiobook Release Blitz.
Book 3
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Out in the Offense Blog Tour and the Out in the Offense Audiobook Release Blitz..
Book 4
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Out in the Field Release Blitz.
Book 5
Audiobook Buy Links
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Ebook Buy Links
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~ Also Available with KindleUnlimited ~
For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Out on the Ice Release Blitz and the Out on the Ice Audiobook Release Blitz.
Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men. Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016, 2017, and 2018-2019 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in a newly empty nest.
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Out in Spring (Out in College #6) by Lane Hayes to read and review for this tour.
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