I’ve always been on my own. My life used to consist of nothing but work, keeping Allen out of trouble, and if I had time, sleep. Then I became their maid.
Every day more than half a million people tune in to watch my show. They trust me. I know it’s because I’m the only son of the prominent Emerson family. However, I like to believe it because I’m honest no matter what story I report on. I’m honest about everything but the man I’ve been f**king for the last four years… and now her.
I want three things: First, Maxwell Emerson and Jane Chapman both in my bed. Second, to be the best bloody chef in the country. Third, to figure out how to simultaneously get the first and second things I want without any of us getting hurt.
Book 1
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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
I’ve always been on my own. My life used to consist of nothing but work, keeping Allen out of trouble, and if I had time, sleep. Then I became their maid.
Every day more than half a million people tune in to watch my show. They trust me. I know it’s because I’m the only son of the prominent Emerson family. However, I like to believe it because I’m honest no matter what story I report on. I’m honest about everything but the man I’ve been f**king for the last four years… and now her.
I want three things: First, Maxwell Emerson and Jane Chapman both in my bed. Second, to be the best bloody chef in the country. Third, to figure out how to simultaneously get the first and second things I want without any of us getting hurt.
Book 1
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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
We know from the title that this is the first in a series, so I guess that it was inevitable that the story would leave us somewhat in the lurch, but it is done with great style – so don't let it put you off!
The stories of each of the three lead characters are interesting, and are revealed to us in clever, meaningful ways, as if peeling layers of wrapping simultaneously from three very different presents. Each explains, gives excuses, yet demands change and compromise. Through this process the reader gains a full view of what is happening and develops a wariness of what is likely to happen next, and how it will play out...only for Ms. LeFay to pull the rug from under one's feet. That level of engagement can be difficult to achieve, but most certainly exists here. If you then consider that is the underlying setting of the story, let me assure you that the intimate scenes between them is electric. Voyeurism on the page, no holds barred descriptions of intense passion and desire. Probably best read in private, with a cold drink to hand...
There is depth and detail which works very well in this book – it is going to be excruciating waiting for the second in the series, and even worse, I am guessing, for the third...but at the same time, so worthwhile!
NB (My copy was a draft, so I am not judging the book on the word errors etc., as I assume they will be corrected by the final edited version. Even though they were distracting, I enjoyed the story so much, I had to keep going!)
Shannan – ☆☆☆☆
Jane Chapman is a hard worker, she has to be, she depends on only herself to get by. Working as a maid cleaning the penthouse she sees something she shouldn't. Her feet are frozen in place when she sees Max and Wes in a compromising position. Max is worried about his reputation and Wes is interested in the lust he saw in Jane. When Wes can finally get Max to admit he sees the same things in Jane, they decide to bring her in as a third in their relationship. In the penthouse, life is perfect, but on the outside, they need to hide who they are to each other. They have to decide if it's worth it?
There are some definitely hot and sweaty scenes involving this trio. It's sexy and page turning. I loved that it left you hanging, it was done in a way that leaves the door open for a quite interesting series.
Who am I?
You might already know. I’m an author writing under a new penname. If you think you know who I am, you can message me on Facebook or Twitter. I’ll gift you one of my other novels (signed). However, you must keep my secret.
Amelia LeFay is a character of my own imagination. She’s a single woman in her mid twenties in love with sex. Dirty sex, rough sex, sex of any type. She’s not a whore or a slut. She believes a woman should be allowed to sexually express herself anyway she wishes.
She stands for Gay Rights, Women’s Rights, the rights of Minorities, and Environmental protection.
She can be a bitch but doesn’t think there is anything wrong with that.
She has uneven boobs, stretch marks on her ass, astigmatism, and thighs that rub together as she walks. (Which means no pair of jeans last as long as she wishes they would.)
But most importantly Amelia is a Dreamer…she has dreams so big it scares even her, because if she fails…if she can’t make it…she feels like nothing.
Connect with Amelia
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of The Anatomy of Jane (WJM #1) by Amelia LeFay to read and review for this tour.
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