a man of regrets, my love. I can always think of a thousand ways I could have
done things better. But I don’t regret him.”
Married for nearly two decades, Luca and Sebastion know what they want from
life and from love, but they certainly don’t expect the shake-up that is
Alexander Thomas. Their marriage has been open since the start, but it’s not
until Luca sends a wrong text that they realize there might be room for
something new. Something a little bit more permanent. The only problem is,
Xan’s already taken, and the man he’s with is dangerous.
Xan’s life has been off the rails since his parents died, and with his current
relationship turning toxic, he’s not sure he wants to inflict his chaos on the
lives of two men who don’t deserve it. Luca and Sebastion are worthy of so much
more, and Xan isn’t sure he’ll ever deserve the chance at their unconditional
love. After all, he’s been engaged to a man who can’t stand him for two years,
and he still can’t find the courage to leave. But when things go from bad to
worse, Xan knows something has to give, and he realizes then the only difficult
step to take is the first one.
Some relationships are meant for moments, and some are meant for forever, but
none of these men know how their story will end until they’re standing
together, on the other side of here.
The Other Side of Here is a MMM stand-alone romance with a happily
ever after.
Content Warnings: Non-graphic verbal/emotional abuse, non-graphic off-page
physical violence, abuse recovery, pre-book death of parents. Please take
caution if these issues are triggering for you.
Buy Links
Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Au ~ Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)
~ Also Available with
KindleUnlimited ~
He dialed up his husband and sat back in his chair as it rang.
“Oh, my love,” Sebastion breathed through the speaker.
Luca closed his eyes and let the sound of Sebastion’s voice wash over him. “I’m home.”
“Was Alexander still there when you got in?” he asked.
Luca chuckled. “Yeah, and in my morphine haze I don’t remember you telling me he was going to be here. Todd said it was some kid, and I figured it was like the neighbor’s grandson or something.”
“Oh god,” Sebastion groaned.
“It was fine.” Luca stared down at his arm again—at his fingers which were bright red, and he let himself feel the pain for a moment. “I asked him to stay. I hope you don’t mind, but I really don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Luca,” he warned, and there was that tone in his voice—the one that was always more reasonable. The one that was able to turn off his dick and his heart whenever he needed to.
“I know,” Luca said, “but I couldn’t let him go.”
Sebastion was quiet a long moment, then he sighed. “He’s very beautiful. You told me he was, but I didn’t have any clue.”
Luca closed his eyes and nodded. “Yes, he is. When I got in, he and Ivy were napping on the sofa, and I think I fell a little bit in love with him right there.”
Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
– ☆☆☆☆
This is a really thoughtful book, which beautifully unfolds as three men reveal
their deepest fears, wants, and loves to the reader. It is moving, hopeful, and
such a caring book, as well as being incredibly erotic, passionate, and
intense. From the very first page I was hooked, and could only hope that Xan
escaped the abuse, and that he found a safe, loving home with Bas and Luca.
It is one of those books that I know I will read again, when I want to feel all
warm and fuzzy, and when I need to be reminded that even the messy doesn't mean
there is no hope.
Thank you, E.M. Lindsey, for writing a wonderful love story.
– ☆☆☆☆
Xan is in a terrible relationship. His fiancé Max is distant, rude, abusive,
and basically at this point they are roommates. Xan knows he needs to leave but
he is stuck in the cycle that Max just keeps pulling him back in, making him
feel guilty for wanting to leave. But getting a text from a wrong number turns
out to be everything he wants and gives him a reason to fight.
Luca and Sebastion are in a committed marriage but an open marriage. When Xan
comes into their lives, Luca wants to help him but Sebastion knows he needs to
do it on his own. I loved the way this story was layered. It was sweet and so
erotic. I loved seeing Xan grow and overcome the abuse he endured for so long.
– ☆☆☆
3.5 stars
For me, there were two stories being told on the pages of The Other Side of
Here. Xan's story, featuring a young man gathering the courage to leave an
abusive relationship. Then there is the story told between Sebastion and Luca,
a mature relationship evolving as the pages flew by.
An accidental friendship of sorts sparks between the couple and their Alexander
the Great, mostly platonic at the start, a slow-burn romance angsty vibe. All between
the sheets action until the ending is between the established couple, allowing
the reader to learn how the couple functions. The heat and the passion is
between Luca and Sebastion, as they pine away for Xan.
Xan's story was difficult to read for highly personal reasons. Because of this,
I found myself both wishing to hug and throttle the young man for making me
frustrated by his choices and inner monologue. I will say, obviously hindsight
always gives red flags that were missed, and that is where the guilt and shame
mostly stem from.
However, in Xan's case (as written by the author), from the get-go, during the
first dates stage, every interaction was a red flag, which frustrated me, as it
didn't go with the love-bombing vibe that supposedly hooked Xan at the start.
Rolling up late or covered in hickeys does NOT fall into the love-bombing
category used to hook Xan into a relationship. The emotional warfare later on
in the relationship felt honest and real, yanking out very raw emotions within
me. But I don't see why Xan even began dating a cheating guy who showed him no
respect from the first date onward, when in the earlier portions made it sound
as if Max was love-bombing him with awesomeness.
To be honest, I felt as if Xan was an unreliable narrator, and that might have
been my problem with him. Other than feeling as if he was one-note, I honestly
feel as if he was showing the reader an altered perspective. Either he was
lying to himself or the author was drawing out the storyline, and this took some
of the realism away.
I will say, the emotions didn't quite surface. Meaning, it felt as if Xan's
story was "told" not "shown." Sebastion explaining how he
felt in his past relationship, putting words to the feelings. This had me
connecting to Sebastion, making him feel lifelike. However, I never felt as if
Xan was showing these emotions. I can't quite explain this properly, other than
how all the right moves and the correct words were written on the pages, but I
didn't feel as if the characters were actually emoting them.
Luca, Sebastion, and Xan were perfect. Not only perfectly balanced as a
polyamorous relationship, but good souls, with all the right words spoken.
Highly supportive. Understanding, sympathetic, and empathetic. Caring and
comforting. There will be readers who cannot get enough of the hurt-comfort
However, this particular reader felt the characters were too perfectly
understanding, with zero flaws, to be messy enough to be realistic.
While I enjoyed the novel, read it in a single sitting, found the romance and
storyline lovely, even with subject matter that I share in common, I never
quite connected to any of the characters. Sebastion more than Luca and Xan.
They were too perfect to feel real, the emotions never truly felt. The bond
they felt to Xan too quick without any interactions. It made more sense for
Sebastion to connect so deeply to Xan, having gone through something similar in
the past, versus Luca instantly needing/wanting/craving Xan, and not
necessarily in a sexual manner. There were no building blocks to this
"love" as the characters hardly ever shared any page-time together.
Not just in the bedroom, but in general, they spent hardly any time together
for this reader to buy into their epic romance.
Perfectly sweet and comforting, I'm positive most readers will read this cover
to cover, entertained while feeling a plethora of emotions. There was just
something I can't quite explain as to why it wasn't a hit with me.
– ☆☆☆
I was excited to read this book. I've been on a roll reading lots of M/M/M
lately. This one missed the mark for me. I really didn't care for Xan. There
were so many things he put up with and so many red flags that I just wanted to
reach in the book and slap some sense into him. Luca and Sebastion just seemed
too perfect. I think if the book was just about them, I might have enjoyed it
more. Don't get me wrong, the three of them together was good, it just didn't
work for me.
E.M. Lindsey is a non-binary, MM
Romance author who lives on the East Coast of the United States. When they're
not working, EM is spending time on the beach, kayaking, swimming, and playing
with their dogs.
Connect with E.M.
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Group: Lindsey's Liaison
Hosted by
Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided
a free copy of The Other Side of Here by E.M. Lindsey to read and review for
this tour.
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