Monday, March 30, 2020

Shadow and Light by RJ Scott & V.L. Locey Blog Tour

Is it easier to fall into the shadows than hold onto the light?

Injured in a horrific car accident by a man who made him feel like nothing, Henry was left with life threatening injuries, crippling self doubt, and his career as a hockey player destroyed. He’s struggling to see, and as much as people tell him to have hope because he’s young and fit, his vision is compromised and he’s spiraling into despair. Estranged from his family, and his money all gone, there seems to be no hope. Hockey gave him freedom, and now it’s all been taken away.

Adler insists on letting Henry stay in a vast Lockhart-owned mansion in Tuscon, but it's a big and lonely place. When Apollo arrives at the house with his sunny smile and infectious optimism, along with his no-nonsense rules, he slowly becomes an integral part of Henry’s life. But one day, when Henry is better, Apollo will leave, and what happens then? Has Henry really fallen for the dark eyed man, or is it all just smoke and mirrors?

If there is one thing that Apollo Vasquez knows all about it’s helping others and living with quirky athletes. After all, he’s spent most of his adult life tending to one of the richest hockey playing heirs in America. His days have been filled with friendship, laughter, and the knowledge that he’s needed. Or he used to be. Over the past year Apollo’s best friend, Adler Lockhart, has been slipping away, his time spent with his boyfriend, on the ice, or traveling the world with the man he loves. This leaves Apollo feeling like a clunky third wheel or all alone in a luxurious apartment with no one to fuss over.

Knowing that his life is at a crossroads, his loving nature leads him far away from his childhood friend to the dry desert town of Tucson where he signs on to care for Henry Greenaway as the young Raptor recovers both mentally and physically from a near fatal car crash. Henry is also facing a new life, one that might lead him from the sport he has loved for so long. Cooking, cleaning, and providing moral support is just what the doctor ordered for Apollo, and he soon finds himself not only rediscovering himself and a new life he adores, but falling for the sweet, lost, injured man who’s slowly capturing his heart one timid smile at a time.

Book 3
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~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This book had it all – I just loved it: tears, laughter, passion, friendship, family, and of course, lots of super-hot hockey players. The third in the series, but links abound to Harrisburg Railers too! I would highly recommend that you read them all, but this would certainly be richer for reading the previous two Arizona Raptors stories.

Henry was horribly injured in a car accident caused by his abusive ex-boyfriend. He wants to get back on the ice, but really doesn't know whether it will happen. Adler Lockhart lends him a house to recuperate and sends his best friend and PA, Apollo, to keep him company. Apollo has to be one of my favourite book characters in a long while. He is both open about his sexuality, comfortable in his own skin, and the most caring, nurturing person that anyone could ever want. I also love his Tia Sophia.

With such a positive force of nature by his side, Henry works at his PT and starts to heal his body, his head, and in time, his heart. I love seeing how hard he works, how his uncertainty is picked up by his friends, and how they club together to give him hope. It is heartbreaking to read about the way he has been treated by those he should trust the most, and reconnecting with his big brother heals another wound.

I am not going to reveal any more, but you can rest assured that you will love this wonderful romance. Oh and how exciting is the news of who is next to get his happily ever after?!

There is definitely a place in heaven for the writers providing us with mindlessly entertaining hockey romance in the middle of the current pandemic. I started reading this book on day two of my Covid-19 self-isolation as my fever got worse and my chest started to burn. And honestly, it was the perfect distraction. Beautiful boys falling in love in the Arizona sunshine took me a million miles away from an increasingly frightening reality and I wish I could thank the authors in person.

We’re well into the Raptors/Railers books at this point and I’m pretty amazed that this story still feels fresh and not at all formulaic. I’m not sure there’s any actual hockey action in this book that tracks Henry’s recovery from his potentially career ending car crash, but I enjoyed his journey back to the ice and to his team. And I absolutely love Apollo, the friend Adler Lockhart sends to take care of Henry as he rehabilitates. In a series that mostly focuses on hyper masculine hockey players, Apollo is a glittery, fabulous breath of fresh air. He has enough confidence to buoy Henry’s spirits, and he kept me smiling through the whole book.

This is a great read and a perfect antidote to the rather grim 24-hour news cycle that is keeping me glued to my phone. I would recommend it to anyone needing a little sunshine in their life.

So I'll start with what I liked about Shadow and Light. Firstly, Henry. I could relate to his struggles with his self-esteem and my heart went out to him. Secondly, Apollo. I loved his giving nature and how he took care of Henry. Him being a Madonna fan was a plus for me. Thirdly, it was great getting to see the characters from the previous Raptors books and previous series. This is a world I'm always happy to be in.

So what didn't work for me. There was too much tell and not enough show. Henry and Apollo's romance felt a bit hurried because we didn't get to see enough of them falling in love.

Overall, Shadow and Light is another good addition to this series.

Also Available in the Arizona Raptors Series

Book 1
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~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~

For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Coast to Coast Blog Tour.

Book 2
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~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~

For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Across the Pond Blog Tour.

USA Today bestselling author RJ Scott writes stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, a happily ever after.

RJ Scott is the author of over one hundred romance books, writing emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, millionaire, princes, and the men who get mixed up in their lives. RJ is known for writing books that always end with a happy ever after. She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing.

The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.

She’s always thrilled to hear from readers, bloggers and other writers.

Connect with RJ

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USA Today bestselling author V.L. Locey – Penning LGBT hockey romance that skates into sinful pleasures.

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, Torchwood and Doctor Who, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a pair of geese, far too many chickens, and two steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in one hand and a steamy romance novel in the other.

Connect with V.L.

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Shadow and Light (Arizona Raptors #3) by RJ Scott & V.L. Locey to read and review for this tour.

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