Monday, February 10, 2020

Long Lost by Lexi Blake Blog Tour

A stolen past

The only thing Tucker remembers of his past is pain. Used in a doctor’s evil experiments, his memories and identity were erased, and his freedom taken. He believed his nightmare was over when he was liberated by the men and women of McKay-Taggart, until he heard the name Steven Reasor. The idea that he could have been involved in the terrible experiments that cost his “brothers” everything crushed him. A desperate attempt to force him to remember the truth almost cost him his life. Now his world is in chaos and his only path to finally uncover the truth and atone for his sins leads to Veronica Croft.

A painful present

Veronica “Roni” Croft knew Dr. Steven Reasor was bad for her, but she also saw a side of the man that no one else knew. Even as she began to believe their employer was hiding something sinister, she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Their affair was passionate and intense, but also fraught with danger. When he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, she took her first chance to run and never looked back. She has stayed hidden ever since, running from forces she knows are too powerful to overcome. But now the man she believed was dead, the man she mourned, has returned and needs her help.

A dangerous future

As Tucker and Roni unravel the secrets of his past, a dark force rises and threatens to destroy them. Their only chance for survival will require them to join forces with the Lost Boys’ worst enemy. Only together can they finally unlock Tucker’s past. But as Tucker’s memories begin to come back, will it free them both or tear them apart forever?

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Book 4
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Veronica took a deep breath. “The first time you kissed me we were at the lab. It was after hours and I’d stayed behind because I was finishing up some reports for Dr. Walsh. There were a couple of doctors there who thought they could mess around with me. One in particular made a nuisance of himself. He was married but he thought the younger women were all fair game. That night he’d stayed behind, too, and he was coming on to me. Hard. You walked in and he pretty much peed himself after you were done with him.”

“Did I hurt him?”

His question came out measured so she couldn’t tell if he wanted the answer to be yes or no.

“Not physically, but he didn’t touch me again. Anyway, afterward you stayed while I finished up. You said you wanted to walk me out to my car. I thanked you and we ended up talking.” She could remember how grateful she’d been to not be left alone. “It was the first time I saw you as something other than the ambitious doctor who handled things for McDonald. You stayed way longer than you had planned, and I felt bad for keeping you. You told me it was okay because it might be the only good thing you’d done for anyone in months. I don’t know what made me do it, but I went up on my tiptoes and kissed you. It wasn’t much. It was barely two seconds. When I moved back, you told me that wasn’t a kiss. You asked me if you could show me what a kiss was. And you did.”

He’d been careful with her, making sure she was all right.

Rather like he’d explained he would be now. He’d been careful right up until he’d been sure she was with him and then he’d taken over. Then he’d taken her someplace she’d never been before.

“Show me.”

She came out of the memory at the sound of his command. Show me. That was what he’d said to her that night.

She could come out of the memory because it was hers. That moment was there in her brain and she could call on it for the rest of her life. It was something so personal. Her memories were the sum of her soul. It struck her forcibly what he’d lost. What she’d lost. That memory had truly been theirs, a shared history that should have connected them for the rest of their lives.

Now she was the only one who knew what it had felt like that night. He was right there. He was standing in front of her asking for that connection again.

She went up on her toes. “Thank you. I didn’t want him near me, but I don’t feel the same way about you.” She let her lips brush his, the bare meeting of flesh that came from a woman who wasn’t sure of what she’d wanted then. Of what she wanted now. “And then you shook your head.”

Tucker shook his head and took the beer from her hand. He set it on the ledge and turned back to her. “Oh, that wasn’t a kiss. Let me show you how I kiss. Will you let me kiss you, Roni? I think about kissing you all the time.”

So close to what he’d actually said. She would take it. “Yes. Please kiss me.”

The air seemed to go out of the room and her vision focused in on him. It was like the rest of the world fell away. It was exactly as it had been that first night with him. Something had fallen into place when he’d looked at her and she’d known nothing would be the same.

If he kissed her again, they would have that connection they’d lost.

His hand went around the nape of her neck, sending a delicious warmth down her spine. He pulled her slightly, drawing her close in an easy show of strength. He brought their bodies together and her breasts brushed against his chest. His free hand wrapped around her waist and she took a moment to look into his eyes.

They were the clearest blue. Something about his eyes had always dragged her in. Even when they were cold, even when no one else had been able to see the emotion behind them, she hadn’t been fooled.

“I want to believe. But I don’t want to want to believe,” she said quietly.

“Because it would be easier if I was the bastard you’ve spent years believing I was. I know. Roni, I can’t imagine I was easy to care for then. I’m not easy now. But for however long we get together I want to try to be with you. We can take it slow and find a way to be friends again.”

She sighed at the thought because he was going to pull away and that was the last thing she wanted. Now that she was here and alone with him, she knew she couldn’t lose the chance to explore this side of the man. “We were never friends.”

She moved in and kissed him. It wasn’t what had happened that night, but that was all right. They were making a new memory, one no one could take away from them. It might all go to hell tomorrow, but she would kiss the father of her child again. She would have this new memory of him.

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader☆☆☆☆☆
5 stars
M/F Mystery, Romance

This must be read in order. The books follow a progressive pattern and in order to understand what’s going on, you’ll want to read the previous books first.

Veronica (Roni) loves her job. She enjoys helping people and when she is working with McDonald’s project, she knows that something is going on. What we didn’t know in the previous books about her, comes to light. We also get to meet Roni’s mom. She is delightful and I couldn’t help but laugh at her antics.

Steven Reasor, who we now know as Tucker, is hoping to get his memories back. After being betrayed by Levi Green, yet again, Tucker and his brothers are hoping some good comes of it. While he will do everything he can to help his brothers, what he wasn’t expecting was to come face to face with the woman of his dreams.

While sifting through their past, their present crashes into them with a force that will knock them both over. Questions from previous books will be answered, but more questions arise. I found that I couldn’t put the book down.

This book felt a little less about the relationship and more about the questions that had been posed in previous books being resolved. I thought that it was very well developed and the characters were amazing.

I can’t wait to see what happens next, because now that I have to wait, I’m bummed. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.

This is the fourth book in The Forgotten series, and oh my goodness I love this series so much. I have loved all the Masters and Mercenaries books, but these which concentrate on the Lost Boys are just fabulous. The drama is so intense, these strong men who have lost everything and yet are so good and keen to do right by the world. But do be clear, you really could not read this as a standalone and understand the underlying story, so please at least read the previous three books in this series.

It is now Tucker's turn to have his story told – he may have had his memory removed, but they all know that he was McDonald's right hand man, so he was on the wrong side at some point. This causes him distress, and really doesn't fit with his personality now at all. As we start to learn more and more about him and his past, it gets more and more confusing for everyone.

This is a very intense installment, with lots more revelations and some very worrying developments. I cannot say more, as I would not like to spoil anything – but I can promise you that it is as fabulous as ever. It did feel like we are getting to the heart of the matter, but then again, there are more twists and turns than one could ever imagine.

Thank you, Lexi Blake, for this fantastic series. Now I am going to have be patient waiting for the next one… *sighs*

Tucker is one of the Lost Boys and all he remembers about his past is pain. If he tries to remember or gets a flash of the past, he is hit with pain, headaches, and vomiting that will leave him so drained. It is why he and his brothers try not to remember so much at one time.

When Veronica Croft shows up, she is the one thing he remembers from his past that might be the answers to his memories. But Roni has a secret and it may be just what the Lost Boys need to break through the memories and learn about the past.

As Roni and Tucker remember their time in Paris before he disappeared, will they be able to move past the hurt and make a future together? Will the forces trying to get the intel from Tucker destroy all the work McKay-Taggart has worked so hard to bring the Lost Boys their memories back? What will the next book hold for this group?

I love this series and I think this book is my favorite so far. Even after losing his memories and his past, Tucker still remembered Roni, his one true love. And I can't wait to see where the next book will lead to in this series.

Book #4 in the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten series is another amazing book in this exciting, action-packed story. These books NEED to be read in order as each story builds upon the previous and focuses on a Lost Boy finding what they need. If you haven't started the series yet, then go. Do it now and then come back to read these reviews – I swear you won't be sorry.

Book #4 is Tucker's story. Tucker the Casanova, Tucker the deep-feeling, sensitive man whose whole world had been flipped on its axis with the revelation from Rebecca (book #2). Just another man with no memory, right? Wrong, so wrong. Tucker's story is one of discovery and wonder.

This book was intense and exciting, there is the action that you've come to expect in this series. The series storyline is really one of the best I've ever read – it's dark and twisted but not depraved. Every single character has strengths and weaknesses, but they're all so different from one another and they complement each other.

The only complaint (if you can call it that) I have, is that I need to wait for book #5.
I need to see how this ends – what happens to everyone once the mystery is solved?
Will there ever be closure?

Also Available in the Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten Series

Formerly titled Memento Mori
Book 1
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For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Memento Mori Blog Tour.

Book 2
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Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  iTunes  ~  Kobo

For reviews & more info, check out our stop on the Lost and Found Blog Tour.

Book 3
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Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
B&N  ~  Google Play  ~  iTunes  ~  Kobo

For reviews & more info, check out our Lost in You post.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

Connect with Lexi

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Long Lost (Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #4; Masters & Mercenaries #20) by Lexi Blake to read and review for this tour.

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