USA Today bestselling author Stacey Kennedy comes a second-chance
romance featuring a cowboy hero who needs some serious redeeming, a serious
heroine who needs some cowboy lovin', and a mischievous little boy who needs
his parents to find their happily-ever-after.
She's prepared for anything... except for the second chance with her cowboy
ex she never saw coming.
Clara Carter is the brains behind Three Chicks Brewery. The oldest and most
responsible of the Carter sisters, she doesn't have time for anything but
taking care of her son and making sure her family's top beer, Foxy Diva, gets
into bars across North America. Which means getting the brew in front of
Colorado's biggest beer distributor. Unfortunately, that becomes tricky when
the man in charge of distribution is none other than Sullivan Kenne, the cowboy
who ran out on her seven years ago.
Sullivan's life has been one wrong move after another. First, he tried to prove
himself to his bastard father by signing a contract to play professional
baseball, a choice Sullivan still regrets. Then he bailed on Clara, the only
woman he's ever loved. Seeing her again makes Sullivan determined to right his
wrongs. Unfortunately, he wasn't counting on one of those wrongs being a
six-year-old son he never knew about.
Reuniting with Clara and meeting his son is a shocking--and
amazing--experience. But as much as Sullivan tries to return to his roots and
be the stand-up cowboy of Clara's dreams, the reality is, she's having trouble
trusting him. Luckily, Sullivan knows the way to Clara's heart, and he'll prove
to her that a second chance with a cowboy is worth the risk.
Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Three Chicks Brewery series!
For book one, Sassy Blonde, click HERE.
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“How long has it been since you’ve done something like this?” she asked.
“Seven years.”
“Seriously? Seven years?”
The light from the fire was impressively bright, revealing the chiseled lines of his cheekbones. “Life is different in Boston,” he explained, gaze on the sky. “Not so quiet. And when we travel for games, we always play in big cities. I don’t get the chance to get out to places where the city lights don’t hide the stars.”
She looked to the sky herself, spotting the milky way. Over the years, many of her old high school friends had moved away with big city dreams. She’d never had those dreams herself, loving small-town life. The old Sullivan she knew would have hated the big city too. She figured she better get to know this Sullivan. “Do you like the big city?” she asked.
“Parts of it,” he said. “Some parts, I don’t.”
She smiled, dropping her head to the side to watch his expression. “Like the bars?”
The side of his mouth curved before he glanced her way, lifting an eyebrow. “You saw the tabloid article, then?”
She nodded. Everyone saw all the articles about him. Every week, on a new issue in the grocery store line. “What’s going on with all of that? The bar fights and stuff?” And, of course, by “stuff,” she totally meant women.
Obviously picking up on that, Sullivan’s mouth quirked up at the corner again. “Does the stuff wear dresses and high heels?”
She sent her gaze to the fire. “It’s none of my business. You don’t have to talk about it. It’s just…”
“Just what?”
She felt his stare. “You were always a one-woman type of guy. What changed?”
“Nothing,” he said in a quiet voice. She dared to look at him then, and his jaw was clenched, tension creasing the lines around his eyes while he watched the fire burn. “The women, they’re a distraction.”
“From?” she pressed, not even sure why she wanted to know the answer so bad.
The heat from the fire became all-encompassing as he drew in the longest, deepest breath then blew it out through his nose. “From the shit that gets heavy in my head.”
She froze, shocked by his answer. Of all the things she had expected him to say, that certainly wasn’t it. For fun. Because I don’t want anything serious. Something like that, not anything deep.
At the silence, he turned his head to the side, watching her closely. “Distractions help me take a break from that.”
“I suppose they would,” she agreed gently. She had seen the guy she loved fade when his mom passed away, but he was lost forever when his father’s abuse started. But right here, right now, she could almost see the guy he’d been when his mother was alive. The good guy, the guy who wouldn’t simply vanish from someone’s life so cruelly. “What about this bar fight that got you suspended?”
“It never should have happened,” he said, looking back to the sky with a heavy sigh. “I’m careful not to drink too much, to always stay in control, but that night, my control slipped.”
She took a guess. “Because of your dad dying?”
“I suspect my dad’s death had something to do with it, yeah.” The shame on his face was more punishment than anyone should endure, and the orange hue from the fire detailed every bit of it. “We were leaving the bar, me and a bunch of teammates, and we came across an asshole fighting with his girlfriend. He was screaming at her, and then he pushed her, and she fell.” He stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. “I didn’t know them. I had no business interfering. But something in my head snapped, and I acted before I even knew what was happening.”
“Wait,” Clara said, trying to understand. “Why didn’t you say that the guy was hurting his girlfriend? I’d say that’s forgivable. You were protecting her.”
“Because I’m no better, Clara,” Sullivan said, dryly. He turned his head then, revealing many years of pain in his eyes. “I put my hands on someone in violence, in rage. That is unforgivable.”
She tried to see it his way, but failed. “No, you were giving the guy a taste of his own medicine. Seriously, Sullivan, people would have sided with you.” She watched him for a moment, looking for a single flicker of agreement with her on his expression. Trying to understand, she asked, “So, instead of explaining that, you took the suspension?”
“That’s right.”
She processed, scenting the piney aroma from the trees hugging the firepit. Nothing felt… right. Something was missing. She sat up straight, scooting to the end of her chair to face him fully. “Why are you home, Sullivan?” she asked.
His brows drew together. “You already know why. To get my head right.”
She considered all this again, but something seemed off. “I know what you told me. A bar fight led to a suspension, and you came home to deal with your past because of the fight. But to avoid all of that, all you had to do was tell the truth about what happened. So, again, why are you here?”
Their gazes held before he looked back at the fire. It seemed like he wasn’t going to answer her, but then she almost wished he hadn’t. “When I sobered up that next day at the police station, I knew I was on my way to becoming him.”
“Your father?”
“Yes,” he said slowly.
Clara’s heart squeezed painfully, her breath all but gone.
Before she could even think up a reply, he added, “Of course, not completely. I still think the guy I hit deserved it. But I realized I became the very thing I hate. I pushed all the bad shit down deep enough that I felt nothing. Just rage. Until it all exploded.” He turned his head again, torment swirling in the depths of his eyes, and said oh-so softly, “My dad did that until there was nothing left of him, until only rage lived in the spots that were once good. So, that’s why I’m here, Clara. To face the shit that makes me feel uncomfortable so that doesn’t happen to me.”
The world seemed to slow as coldness swept across her. Not knowing what to say, she looked to the fire because, just like that, the years vanished. This was the Sullivan she did know, and she, behind all the hurt and worry for Mason’s well-being, loved this man. But he was drowning in the dark misery and desperately wanted a way out, but unable to find it.
His soft voice pulled her focus to his warm, gentle eyes.
“I’m sorry for leaving you the way I did.” His voice blistered. “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to be what you needed.”
Tears welled in her eyes, and nothing could stop them from rolling down her cheeks. For as long as she could remember, she’d wanted an explanation, an apology. Now she had those things, but only one truth remained: they’d both done their best in a terrible situation that no one deserved. As much as she wanted to blame Sullivan for leaving and breaking her heart, she couldn’t. Her aching heart reached for him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to help you.”
Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆☆
4.5 stars
M/F Second-Chance Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger
Clara is the responsible sister. She is the planner, the one who can get stuff
done. So, while she and her sister are working especially hard to open and
promote their new brewery, she isn't expecting to see the one person who might
make her world tilt.
Sullivan is back in a town he hates and left without looking back. But now that
he sees his father's behavior in his own, he knows that it's time to face the
past. What he doesn't expect is to find the one woman he left behind hasn't
lost any appeal. Rather, she has gained it in spades.
The past that melded these two together also tore them apart. Now, they will
have to decide if what they had is worth fighting for. Mason is the one
variable that doesn't waver. They will both do whatever it takes to protect
This is a great second-chance romance story, but it's so much more than that.
It's a story of healing, forgiveness, and love. Sullivan and Clara have great
chemistry and their history only helps to add to their relationship. It was
great to see them work through their pasts, look towards their futures, and
heal from their mistakes.
I can't wait to see the next sister's story – the teaser is amazing!
Sarah – ☆☆☆☆
4.5 stars
I love the bond between the three sisters at the heart of this series and I
love watching them build a seriously cool family business. The men they fall
for are pretty great too. Clara’s story is a little bit darker than Maisie’s
but it is impossible not to love the confident, capable eldest sister and her
beautiful son.
I have to admit that this book really wasn’t what I was expecting. I love that
the author refuses to create drama for Clara and Sullivan. It would have been
far too easy to play up miscommunication, secrets, and mistrust but instead,
Clara and Sullivan work through their problems calmly and quietly – like
grownups with their child’s best interests at heart. Sullivan’s childhood
nearly destroyed him. Clara understands Sullivan’s struggles and she encourages
him as he faces his demons and begins to work through his issues. The book
addresses difficult topics but never feels too heavy.
This second book isn’t as playful or as fun as the first but Clara and Sullivan
both feel heartbreakingly real. I love the sense of community between the
sisters and the people in their small town. There is a glorious sense of place
in this series – rural Colorado is celebrated in lush descriptions and the
sister’s experiences. I’m already looking forward to Amelia’s story.
Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second book in the series, and I would definitely recommend that
you read book one, as it is fabulous and gives you the set up at the brewery –
and introduces Clara, who is the serious business-minded sister and lead in
this lovely second-chance romance.
Whilst the affairs and success of the brewery are part of the story, there is
less emphasis than there was when Maisie was running around festivals in the
last book. It is a good backdrop though and reminds us of how serious minded
Clara is, even if the book is mostly a lot of fun.
I loved how this story acknowledged the past, helped both Clara and her high
school sweetheart, unknowing father of her son, and famous baseball player,
Sullivan, move forward and give them a chance at a new future. He had so many
demons that needed slaying and finally, he got the chance. So many little
things which were so vital to their getting a second chance make this book
really special. It was the detail, the way that her sisters and their friends
rally round and support them both.
Mason is a sweet little boy, without being too cute. He is important, but not
the focus of the story, even when being very endearing! Sullivan really dealt
rather well with being an instant dad of a 6-year-old, it was pleasant
surprise, which certainly helped Clara see that there was a chance of something
special between them all.
Very easy writing style, with lots of good humour, reconciliation with the
past, a chance to lay some difficult family times away, and look to a much
brighter, happier, and loving future. Absolutely perfect reading, thank you,
Stacey Kennedy... and the set up for a fantastic new story, which I hope is
coming soon!
STACEY KENNEDY is a USA Today bestselling author who writes contemporary romances full
of heat, heart, and happily ever afters. With over 50 titles published, her
books have hit Amazon, B&N, and Apple Books bestseller lists.
Stacey lives with her husband and two children in southwestern Ontario—in a
city that’s just as charming as any of the small towns she creates. Most days,
you’ll find her enjoying the outdoors with her family or venturing into the
forest with her horse, Priya. Stacey’s just as happy curled up indoors, where
she writes surrounded by her lazy dogs. She believes that sexy books about hot
cowboys or alpha heroes can fix any bad day. But wine and chocolate help too.
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided
a free copy of Feisty Red (Three Chicks Brewery #2) by Stacey Kennedy to read
and review for this tour.
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