for distractions? Hardly.
A chance at making the playoffs? It’s a dream for NHL forward Taylor Cunningham
that just might come true. If he can keep his eyes on the ball—ahem, puck. And study
for midterms. Dakota Cotton, eleven years his senior, isn’t just a distraction,
though—he’s everything Tay’s ever wanted.
Dakota has no interest in introducing someone who might not stick around to his
four-year-old son. Been there, done that, with the divorce to prove it. But
there’s something about Tay that hits all of the right buttons and has him
wanting to take a chance.
As things heat up between them, and the pressure to succeed hits an all-time
high, will they risk a shot at happiness or choke?
Don’t miss our reviews of the rest of the Stick Side series:
For book one, On the Ice, click HERE.
For book two, The Nature of the Game, click HERE.
For book three, Shots on Goal, click HERE.
Shots on Goal is on sale for 99¢ through September 17th.
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Reviews by the
Wicked Reads Review Team
Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the fourth book in the series, and I would recommend that you read them
in order, as they are all really good. You could, however, enjoy this as a
standalone too.
Tay is 23, enjoying his success in the NHL, and studying a four-year
Para-medicine degree. He has a couple of much older sisters who are successful
and feels obliged to do the studying, even though it is really not what he
wants to do. He loves his family, but has always felt left out, and the
unsuccessful baby of the family. Part of this story looks at just how much he
needs to break out of this mindset – and I think it does a really good job of
making him think about how to move forward.
Dakota works for a charity because it enables him to be a good, single dad. He
would love to run a bakery with his best friend, but right now this is the best
for his family. He is very reluctant to enter the dating game, as his ex-wife
left due to not wanting to be a mum, and he cannot risk his son, Andy, being
hurt again. So his unexpected attraction to Tay is not only a problem because
Tay is not out, but also because it breaks his rules.
As the men get to know each other better, and Tay clearly is prepared to be
involved in family times as well as being interested in Dakota as a partner.
Timing may be bad, but there is definitely something worth fighting for between
these two. I loved seeing the compromises they were prepared to make, as they
acknowledged how important their growing friendship and family times were. The
3d puzzle time between Andy and Tay was really cute.
Another good addition to this very readable series. Thank you, Amy Aislin, I am
looking forward to the next one already!
Veronica – ☆☆☆
The first scene between Tay and Dakota showed the couple had great chemistry
and it was steaming hot without there being even so much as a kiss. From there,
I expected this book to be one with lots of sexy scenes but that wasn’t really
where the story went. The scenes where Tay and Dakota get to know each other are
hot and fun but it is also about two guys getting to know each other and
learning about each other's lives and I quite like the normalcy of it.
This is a hockey romance and while that is part of Tay’s life and this story,
it isn’t everything. It really is only one part of Tay’s life. This guy has so
much on his plate. His career, he is studying to be paramedic, he is creating a
comic, he has family commitments, and now he has added romance with Dakota to
his life. I really connected with Tay as he struggled with his competing
priorities, probably because I experience similar issues in my life. I liked
seeing Tay work out what was important and where his priorities really lie.
Dakota is an essential part of that and not just because of their romance but
because he helps Tay see things differently. Dakota is really good for Tay.
I really enjoyed Risking the Shot. It was easy to read and it combined
fun, light elements with the responsibilities of life to make a good story. A
note – make sure you read all of the epilogue because the article at the end is
fantastic and a unique way to finish the story.
Amy's lived with her head in the
clouds since she first picked up a book as a child, and being fluent in two
languages means she's read a lot of
books! She first picked up a pen on a rainy day in fourth grade when her class
had to stay inside for recess. Tales of treasure hunts with her classmates
eventually morphed into love stories between men, and she's been writing ever
since. She writes evenings and weekends—or whenever she isn't at her full-time
day job saving the planet at Canada's largest environmental non-profit.
An unapologetic introvert, Amy reads too much and socializes too little, with
no regrets. She loves connecting with readers. Join her Facebook Group to stay
up-to-date on upcoming releases and for access to early teasers, find her on Instagram
and Twitter, or sign up for her infrequent newsletter HERE.
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Check us out on Instagram to enter the #RiskingTheShotTour for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of Risking the Shot.
Hosted by
on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Risking the Shot
(Stick Side #4) by Amy Aislin to read and review for this tour.
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