Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Hookup Mix-Up by Riley Hart Instagram Tour

Release Tour. Riley Hart’s The Hookup Mix-Up.


I moved to San Luco to get to know my brother, and so far, it’s been great. Working as a bartender at Shenanigans, a bar close to Franklin University, there are beautiful men and women everywhere. When a hot guy falls into my arms at a party, I’m down for some naughty fun. Until I realize he’s way too drunk for anything to happen. Thankfully, we agree to meet up the next day.

One near-kiss later, I discover Theo has no idea I’ve been hitting on him. He thinks we’re hanging out as buddies, and to my great regret, says he’s straight. How did I misread this situation when I thought he was giving me all the right signals?


Perry thinks I’m a nine… a nine! Sure, I’m not into dudes, but it’s flattering that someone as attractive as him thinks I’m hot. Despite the confusion, Perry and I click and agree to keep hanging out. The more time I spend with him, the more I realize there’s a part of myself I’ve been ignoring. One that’s super bi and wants Perry as more than a friend.

Trying to study with him makes things hard for me… below the belt. Unfortunately, his abandonment issues have him open to a fling and nothing more, while I’m catching feelings in a big way. Can I be satisfied with a hookup? Or should I find a way to convince him to take a chance on making this something real?

Don’t miss our reviews of other books in the Franklin U 2 series!
For book three, Batting Style, click HERE.


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The Hookup Mix-Up by Riley Hart

Book 1
Buy Links

Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Au  ~  Amazon Ca
Paperback (US)  ~  Signed Paperback

Audiobook (US)
Narrated by J.F. Harding
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~



My whole body is thrumming with electricity, like there’s a lightning storm, and I wonder if Perry will get struck by all this want inside me.     “Good?” he asks, pulling away.     “So… so… so good. Being bisexual is the best.”



Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

The Hookup Mix-Up is the first book in the second season of the Franklin U series. Franklin U is a multi-author series of standalones all based on the same college campus.

Perry moved to San Luco not to attend Franklin U but to get to know his brother, Ty, who is a student there. Ty grew up with their dad, but Perry did not, hence finding him as an adult to get to know his brother. After hearing about a party going on, Perry is all for going even though he doesn't know anyone there. When he walks in and sees the most adorable guy he's ever seen almost fall off the table and directly into Perry's arms, he thinks it can't be that easy to find a hookup can it? After spending some time with Theo, he realizes he's way too drunk and high to do anything but flirt all night and swaps numbers for when he's sober. Perry's more of a hookup and go kind of guy than letting people in and having a relationship. When he finds out Theo is straight, he doesn't want to stop seeing him and everyone needs a new friend, right?

Theo can't help but like the knight in shining armor who saves him from falling off the table, but while he just thinks he's being a nice guy, he doesn't realize that Perry is flirting and wanting to hook up with him. He likes Perry but not that way, until he starts noticing Perry in a new way. Could he be bisexual? Could there be more to Theo wanting to hang out with Perry all the time?

I loved everything about the beginning of season two of FU. Perry has his walls around built so high from the trauma of growing up with a dad who didn't want him and he thinks no one else will. Theo is able to break down that wall, piece by piece, and show Perry he deserves so much more than he's letting himself have. Theo is under so much pressure being the first in his family to graduate, but school is so incredibly hard for him. He tries but something just doesn't make sense when he's studying, until Perry offers to help and read to him, which makes it easier. They were everything the other needed and then some. The chemistry and the soft way Perry "taught" Theo was so sweet. I am a huge fan of these authors and can't wait to get more in this series!



Author Bio

Riley Hart

RILEY HART has always been known as the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She won her first writing contest in elementary school, and although she primarily focuses on male/male romance, under her various pen names, she’s written a little bit of everything. Regardless of the sub-genre, there’s always one common theme and that’s… romance! No surprise seeing as she’s a hopeless romantic herself. Riley’s a lover of character-driven plots, flawed characters, and always tries to write stories and characters people can relate to. She believes everyone deserves to see themselves in the books they read. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her reading or enjoying time with her awesome family in their home in North Carolina.

Riley Hart is represented by Jane Dystel at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret Literary Management. She’s a 2019 Lambda Literary Award Finalist for Of Sunlight and Stardust. Under her pen name, her young adult novel, The History of Us is an ALA Rainbow Booklist Recommended Read and Turn the World Upside Down is a Florida Authors and Publishers President's Book Award Winner.

Connect with Riley Hart!

Facebook  ~  Instagram  ~  Twitter  ~  TikTok  ~  Website  ~  Goodreads
Facebook Group: Riley's Rebels 2.0





Hosted by

Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of The Hookup Mix-Up (Franklin U 2 #1) by Riley Hart to read and review.

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