Thursday, July 23, 2020

Clean up on Aisle Mine by Patricia Logan Blog Tour

Former CIA operative, Damon Thorne, is a fixer. He cleans up messes other people make of their lives to forget the wreckage his own has become. Whether it means retrieving a drug addict whose family is being blackmailed or rescuing a furball who’s the subject of a custody dispute, Damon just gets things done.

When the job means kidnapping the wild son of a prominent Senator in an election year, it should come with hazard pay.

From the day Jude Chenoweth was born into wealth and position, his father has groomed him to follow in his footsteps. Jude has other plans. Openly gay and infamous, all he wants to do is live his life, create his art, and never settle down.

Life has a way of kicking butts, even the sexy ones. Thrown together in a situation neither wanted, Damon and Jude must now decide how to move forward. Jude knows something is wrong when he gazes into Damon’s haunted brown eyes and Damon recognizes there’s much more to Jude than the caricature he shows the world.

This might be the beginning of a journey… or an incredibly stupid mistake. Perhaps working together will help them process their own demons. Whatever happens, neither of them believes Damon’s assignments will always come with a heaping helping of bad guys.

Not always… right?

Book 1
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“Have you heard from your father?” Cooper’s father was Brad’s campaign manager and had been since he started out in California politics over twenty years ago.

Cooper’s face lost its smile immediately as he nodded. “I did. He says the family is expecting you to play much more of a role in the campaign as we draw closer to November. Next week there’s supposed to be an interview after his campaign rally in Sacramento.”

Jude’s lips thinned. If there was one thing he could point to that he hated more than anything in this world, it was playing a role in his father’s political campaigns.

“Right. I’m certain Brad’s republican colleagues would just love it if I showed up on stage with my father and told them what I really think of their platform. Holt should do the interview.”

Cooper popped another handful of edamame into his mouth, chewing. He swallowed and grinned at him. “The interview is with the leader of the Log Cabin Republicans. They want an idea of the republican platform from a gay man’s point of view.”

Jude’s jaw dropped open and he folded his arms. “Like hell! Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m going to kowtow to those guys.”

Cooper grinned wider. “Look at it this way. You’re like a zoo animal. The gay son of a republican senator from a Liberal state. Who knew you’d be popular enough to be interviewed by Sally Sly? Just think of the “cause”, Jude.” Cooper batted his eyelashes in a pleading way that made Jude burst out laughing.

“Fuck Sally Sly. I’m not sitting in a room with that republican shrew for one minute. Did you see her article on marriage equality before SCOTUS ruled on Obergefell v. Hodges? Her views are just short of Fascist.”

“Maybe an interview with Sally Sly will have its benefits,” Cooper said with a little shrug. “I’ll tell dad to write into the contract that you like getting pegged. Maybe you’ll enjoy a strap-on. You’ll never know until you try, babe.”

Jude was still laughing when the waitress walked over with a tray and began setting down the obscene number of rolls that Cooper had ordered. He accepted his own volcano roll and seafood salad, leaning over to take a long whiff of it. It smelled lovely and his own stomach rumbled the moment he caught the delicious scent. They both dug into their food and ate for a few minutes before Jude brought the subject up again.

“Your dad asked you to tell me about it, right? My father was too afraid to ask me himself?” Jude pinned Cooper with a hard stare and his best friend shrugged.

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

This is the first book in a new series and a new author for me... but I have already lined up a couple more to read when I have time. I will definitely be looking out for the next book, as I am very attached to Damon and Jude – as well as Leah and Tom.

Damon has a sad past, and now works in a non-governmental fixer role, but we get the idea of it being both very serious, in what he does and the contacts he can call all, but also rather funny, because of the crazy places he gets his briefings. I am looking forward to finding out a bit more about exactly what the deal is there! One of his jobs is keeping a senator's gay son out of the limelight as he is threatening his reelection campaign. Well, this job changes everything in Damon's life, and all for the better. As we watch it play out, and get to know both men and just how innately good they both are, we get a great action adventure and a hot and steamy romance too.

I am not going to say much more, other than it is well written, the characters are extremely hot, intelligent, calm, patient, and even get the concept of communication being a good idea!! I am so happy that there is more to come – the good news is that we are not exactly left on a cliffhanger, but most certainly at a point where if the next book were available, I would have read it before coming to write my review.

This is the story of a former CIA agent who is hired to control a senator’s wild son on the eve of an election. But both Damon and Jude are a little more complicated than anyone expected, and sparks soon fly between the two men.

Damon remains a mystery for much of the first half of this book. His job seems morally dubious and more than a little dangerous – but his relationship with Leah is so gentle it’s difficult to understand him as a true mercenary. Similarly, Jude’s party boy lifestyle doesn’t quite ring true when we see him with various friends and lovers. Readers get to know both men properly as they slowly get to know each other. I don’t feel like the character development is particularly deep or meaningful here but both men are more than they first seem.

I’m disappointed with the quality of the writing in this story. I first reviewed a Patricia Logan book several years ago and I’ve enjoyed many of the author’s books since. The language in this story feels choppy and the rambling story feels unedited in comparison to earlier writing. The characters and the central romance feel underdeveloped and there are continuity errors – for example, Leah is wearing Daisy Dukes on one page and a short dress two pages later. I also found the character of Leah problematic – some of the language used to describe her isn’t completely acceptable in 2020 and she feels like an uncomfortable compilation of trans clichés used to create a character more Drag Race than believable human. Boomer authors really need to think twice before adding trans characters for entertainment value.

Parts of this story are good fun and the action makes for a fast-paced read. Unfortunately, as a longtime fan of Patricia Logan, I’ve come to expect more polished writing from the author and this just didn’t quite work for me.

International bestselling author Patricia Logan, resides in Los Angeles, California. The author of several #1 bestselling erotic romances in English, Italian, French, and Spanish lives in a small house with a large family. When she’s not writing her next thriller romance, she’s watching her grandchildren grow up way too soon, and raising kids who make her proud every day. One of her favorite tasks is coaxing nose kisses from cats who insist on flopping on her keyboard while she tries to type. She counts herself lucky to be surrounded by people who love her and give her stories to tell every day.

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Clean up on Aisle Mine (A Spy Like Me #1) by Patricia Logan to read and review for this tour.

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