Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Women's War by Jenna Glass

In a feminist fantasy epic, a revolutionary spell gives women the ability to control their own fertility—with consequences that rock their patriarchal society to its core.

When a nobleman’s first duty is to produce a male heir, women are treated like possessions and bargaining chips. But as the aftereffects of a world-altering spell ripple out physically and culturally, women at last have a bargaining chip of their own. And two women in particular find themselves at the liberating crossroads of change.

Alys is the widowed mother of two adolescent children, and the disinherited daughter of a king. Her existence has been carefully regulated, but now she discovers a fierce talent not only for politics but also for magic—once deemed solely the domain of men. Meanwhile, in a neighboring kingdom, young Ellin finds herself unexpectedly on the throne after the sudden death of her grandfather the king and everyone else who stood ahead of her in the line of succession. Conventional wisdom holds that she will marry quickly, then quietly surrender the throne to her new husband. Only, Ellin has other ideas.

The tensions building in the two kingdoms grow abruptly worse when a caravan of exiled women and their escort of disgraced soldiers stumble upon a new source of magic in what was once uninhabitable desert. This new and revolutionary magic—which only women can wield—might well tear down what is left of the patriarchy. The men who currently hold power will do anything to retain it. But what force in the world can stand against the courage and resolution of generations of women who have tasted freedom for the very first time?

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

I was very excited to read The Women's War, the blurb hooked me, but the story really blew me away. Imagine a male-dominated world full of mystery, magic, and politics. Now imagine women taking power over their fertility and flipping the entire world on its axis...

Alys is stuck in a terrible position: she's been disinherited by her father (the king), her mother has been completely ostracized from society and resides in the abbey, and she's a widow and raising two children. She may be in a tough spot, but she's no wallflower.

Ellin finds herself an orphan: she's a young adult but the only remaining member of the Royal Family. She's in a precarious position, as a queen is allowed to rule only for a short time until she marries and her husband takes over.

Both of these women are much stronger than they appear at first and are in positions to revolutionize the role of women in the world.

I wasn't prepared for the story I read! This book sucked me in and has yet to let go. I find myself thinking of Ellin and Alys, and what they would do in situations. I wonder what happens to the town of Women's Well. Will women prevail? Will the entire world change for the better? I'm patiently waiting for book two!

Jenna Glass wrote her first book—an “autobiography”—when she was in the fifth grade. She began writing in earnest while in college and proceeded to collect a dizzying array of rejections for her first seventeen novels. Nevertheless, she persisted, and her eighteenth novel became her first commercial sale. Within a few years, Glass became a full-time writer, and she has never looked back. She has published more than twenty novels under various names. The Women’s War marks her first foray into epic fantasy.

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of The Women's War (The Women's War #1) by Jenna Glass to read and review.

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