Young Australian Micah Johnson is the first AFL player to be
out at the beginning of his career. Retired professional football player Declan
Tyler mentors Micah, but he finds it difficult, as Micah is prone to making
poor life choices that land him in trouble. Nothing Dec can’t handle. He’s been
there, done that, more times than he’d like to admit. Being Simon Murray’s
partner all these years has Dec quite experienced in long-suffering and
As usual, Simon thinks everything is going along just fine until his assistant, Coby, tells him a secret involving an old nemesis. Simon and Dec’s problems mash together, and to solve them, they must undertake a thousand-kilometer round trip in which issues will have to be sorted out, apologies are finally given, and a runaway kid is retrieved and returned to his worried parents.
Book 3
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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
As usual, Simon thinks everything is going along just fine until his assistant, Coby, tells him a secret involving an old nemesis. Simon and Dec’s problems mash together, and to solve them, they must undertake a thousand-kilometer round trip in which issues will have to be sorted out, apologies are finally given, and a runaway kid is retrieved and returned to his worried parents.
Book 3
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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
Erica – ☆☆☆
I need to be honest, while I read and enjoyed Tigers and Devils, I skipped Tigerland. Why? I was satisfied where Simon and Declan ended the book – it felt final, like the beginning of their happily ever after together. I sensed Tigerland would just be unnecessary drama driving a wedge between my much-beloved couple, before drawing them back to exactly where Tigers and Devils left off. Going with my gut, I read reviews, finding out I was correct. This is great for readers who want to 'hear' more from their favorite characters, but I don't read as most readers do. I struggle with continuations where the main characters are in a 'good' place, only to be manipulated by the author until they arrive back to where they originally were. If they hadn't been 'there' yet, I would have read Tigerland in a heartbeat.
With the blurb of Tigers on the Run, I assumed there would be new narrators, with the storyline focusing on characters who were shown in past books. This is my bad. I'm so used to reading standalone series, or a mishmash within a series, where some books are the same characters, and others are by different narrators, so I didn't realize this would also be narrated by Simon.
In the future, which many fans were most likely salivating to know the outcomes for Simon and Declan and all of their friends and family, Tigers on the Run catches everyone up to speed. With three storylines running parallel but never truly intersecting, the contents of the blurb happen near the conclusion of the novel.
Simon is snarky and sarcastic, which is fabulous in the right mood, but also taxing and a bit annoying if not. This is solely dependent on the reader. Often times I found myself snorting out loud, or shaking my head at how ridiculous he was. I'd missed him from Tigers and Devils, by not reading Tigerland, but also knowing I could only deal with him in small doses. Anyone who has read Simon's narration will understand what I'm trying to put across.
Declan is sainted, but he comes off as a bit too perfect in a condescending way. At least that's my take on the guy. Simon's at fault, or whomever else, because Declan is always right – no matter what. While not humorous like Simon's antics, this is also slightly grating on the nerves (if the mood is right – wrong?).
Tigers and Devils was the strength of the series, not only the foundation but the actual story. It felt like Tigers on the Run was another installment to showcase Simon being Simon as the reader experiences the side characters soap-opera-worthy, over the top drama and angst.
I'm glad I read Tigers on the Run, as I had missed Simon's voice murmuring in my head. But felt not much happened with the plot, other than drama to draw out a story. Truth be told, I was satisfied at the end of book one. Wishing to read Micah's future books, I continued with the series. Now I'm second-guessing myself, fearing Micah's books will take on a similar path.
I'm in the minority here – this is my personal reading tastes, not enjoying a story being drawn out. I'm positive MM romance fans will enjoy the series, and not be able to get enough of Simon (which is why Tigerland and Tigers on the Run no doubt exist).
Also Available in the Tigers and Devils Series
Book 1
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For reviews & more info, check out our Tigers and Devils post.
Book 2
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SEAN KENNEDY lives in Perth, Western Australia, but his heart still belongs to his hometown Melbourne—which is also the home of Simon Murray and Declan Tyler from his series Tigers and Devils. A disciple of cult leader David Lynch, Sean is breathlessly awaiting the revival of Twin Peaks in 2016.
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Tigers on the Run (Tigers and Devils #3) by Sean Kennedy to read and review.
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