Monday, July 1, 2024

Level Up by Max Walker Release Blitz

Release Tour. Max Walker’s Level Up.


Moving to San Luco wasn’t my choice. I was kicked out of my old school because of a protest I organized that went south. Now, I was attending Franklin University with only a semester left until graduation and not knowing a single soul.

Until I meet Ryan Redpine at a frat party. He’s handsome, muscular, has a great smile, and I quickly find out he’s the son of a CEO hell-bent on destroying the environment.

I push Ryan out of my mind, deciding to keep my sanity and morals in tact.

But fate had other plans. When Ryan ended up as my surprise dorm mate, avoiding him became impossible. And so was avoiding the feelings that started to develop... Maybe getting expelled wasn't the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. Maybe it was actually the best?


Jay entered my life like a lightning bolt.

I’d never met someone I was so attracted to, and someone who clearly didn’t want me. The moment he learned about my dad, he shut me out. Then I get reassigned to his dorm. Cue complications, especially when his bed breaks and we're forced to share.

Things quickly heat up, but Jay's adamant about keeping us under wraps. He's planning this big protest at the beach for an oil drilling project and doesn't want my family name tied to it.

So how do I tell Jay my dad is one of the backers? And how do I make sure I don’t lose him in the process?

Don’t miss our reviews of other books in the Franklin U 2 series!
For book one, The Hookup Mix-Up, click HERE.
For book three, Batting Style, click HERE.


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Level Up by Max Walker

Book 4
Buy Links

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Paperback (US)
~  Also Available with KindleUnlimited  ~



I shouldn’t have pregamed with Maddy and had those four shots of tequila before we left her apartment.

I shouldn’t have chugged the first beer that was handed to me, quickly sipping the second one.

I shouldn’t have let my guard down, hung out with Ryan so publicly, been introduced to his friends.

And I especially shouldn’t have been stuffing my dick down his throat in the Shenanigan’s stall.

But… fuck, I wanted to do it again.

And again and again and again and again.




Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Level Up is the fourth book in the Franklin U 2 series. Franklin U 2 is a multi-author series, and all the books are standalones and can be read in any order.

Joey 'Jay' Cruz moved to Franklin U not because he wanted to, but he had to leave his last school because of his environmental activism. The last person he wants to be attracted to is the son of one of the biggest companies affecting the environment today. But what Jay doesn't realize is that Ryan is nothing like his father. He doesn't believe in what his father is doing but he can't make Jay see that. Until fate steps in and floods Ryan's room and conveniently, the only room available is Jay's. Ryan decides to use the time with Jay to get him to see he's not who Jay thinks he is. Jay just wants Ryan gone until Ryan starts knocking those bricks in his wall around him down little by little.

I loved this couple. I was so invested in the story – I had big hopes for a happily ever after! Ryan was an adorable jock who just wanted to show Jay that there was more to him than he thought. Jay was so passionate about his cause and being seen with Ryan could hurt that but once he fell, he finally understood he could have both regardless of who his boyfriend's dad was.



Author Bio

MAX WALKER lives in Atlanta with his partner of over 14 years. He's the best-selling author of the fantasy series, Magic & Marvels, along with his contemporary series, Stonewall Investigations & The Book Club Boys. He's incredibly excited to be enrolling at FU with a group of exceptionally talented authors.

Connect with Max Walker!

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Facebook Group: Mad for Max Walker






As we sat there, lost in each other’s gaze, I realized that this moment was something special, something worth holding on to.


Hosted by

Gay Romance Reviews Tours & Promo.

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Level Up (Franklin U 2 #4) by Max Walker to read and review.

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