Chief Scientist Elisabeth Washington and her people have
fled a ravaged Earth in search of a new life. Finding a world to suit isn’t
easy; the journey long and arduous. When they finally set foot on what they
hope will be their new home, they're jubilant, overwhelmed with relief. Too
late, much too late, they discover what no one predicted: they have neighbors.
The Droushan, a shapeshifting race, have their neighboring worlds under their protection. When one of those worlds suddenly comes to life, Sect Leader Kraven and his best friend, Weapons Master Lukkis are sent out to learn what's happening. They not only find a world reborn but an extraordinary woman who excites and arouses their mating urges.
Three intelligent, capable leaders intent on protecting their people. Two big, powerful men, working to control their inner beasts. One brilliant woman who wants them and can't understand her own urge to submit to whatever they want to do with her. It's a tense first contact situation and these three are living upon the threshold.
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Loose Id
Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
The Droushan, a shapeshifting race, have their neighboring worlds under their protection. When one of those worlds suddenly comes to life, Sect Leader Kraven and his best friend, Weapons Master Lukkis are sent out to learn what's happening. They not only find a world reborn but an extraordinary woman who excites and arouses their mating urges.
Three intelligent, capable leaders intent on protecting their people. Two big, powerful men, working to control their inner beasts. One brilliant woman who wants them and can't understand her own urge to submit to whatever they want to do with her. It's a tense first contact situation and these three are living upon the threshold.
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Loose Id
Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
Shelby – ☆☆
Who doesn't like to read a little Sci-Fi ménage now and then?!?
Earth's humans have found a new planet to inhabit, as Earth has been destroyed. The planet that the humans have determined is most compatible just so happens to be in the Droushanian system.
Commander/Sect Leader Kraven has been dispatched to the planet to investigate the intentions of these new beings (the humans). Along on the mission is his best-friend, and weapons master Lukkis.
When Elisabeth, the daughter of the human leader, meets the Droushanian men, she's quickly taken with them – as they're with her.
When I'm entering a fictional world knowing that a human woman will be involved with 2 "alien" men, I have certain expectations:
1) World-Building – I need details, lots and lots of details including physical characteristics of the aliens, technological differences, etc.
*From my understanding the Droushanians are just really big people. The planet is almost identical to Earth, and there are no animals/plants to describe*
2) Differences of species – I expect many differences between the races, especially verbally.
Unfortunately this story fell short for me, I was expecting more than I was given and felt the story really lacked a plot. Many opportunities arose for conflicts (Kraven's parents, Parker's destruction, etc.), but were only mentioned and not really resolved.
The characters themselves I found a bit boring, especially the conversations. Elisabeth said, no less than 20 times, "I'm Sorry," "Thank You," and "I love you [or my mates]."
I felt the "love" developed WAY too quickly, and once they "bonded" there was no more story to tell.
I do believe this story could be fantastic, with some modifying, but at this point I'm not thrilled with it.
Having been a lover of the written word all her life April has always wanted to expand her horizons and write something that could be shared with the world. Only one thing held April back, the fact that the letters and numbers mixed and jumbled more often than not. Diagnosed with Dyslexia when she was eight years old April had to work her butt off just to be able to keep up with the other kids in reading and writing, so her love for fictional writing was tossed to the wayside for the moment.
Time marched on, as it always does, and she forgot her childhood dream of becoming an author and instead focused on what she had to – creating a career for herself.
As the endless waves of time passed the shores became less rocky and more sandy, a place where she could find an even foot. That and Microsoft invented Word. Halleluja.
This is where April began her journey into the written world, the world that her imagination had been ceaselessly creating for her entire adult life.
Now she has been given a chance to let her literary wings unfold and fly, thanks to her amazing publishers.
Now it’s time to let the dream take flight and watch it soar!
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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Upon the Threshold by April Zyon to read and review.
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