Monday, June 20, 2016

In Training by India Masters

Elecia is a man’s world and women are expected to toe the line. It’s been that way for millennia and no one seems to be interested in changing things, except Athena Rochan. While her father was away at war, Athena ran Rochan Shipping, increasing profits, improving their fleet, and garnering new contracts planetwide. Her reward? Her father, the general, hires Barik Lugaren, a barbarian from the neighboring planet, to train her in the ways of Elecian womanhood. She must submit to him body and soul or be disowned and kept from seeing her mother ever again.

In Athena’s mind, Elician laws are barbaric, forcing women to submit to every whim of their husbands, allowing husbands to physically punish a disobedient wife. Worse still, is the practice of the father’s choosing husbands for their daughters and husbands forcing their wives to sexually submit to honored guests and business associates, even multiple partners. Disgusting. How could her father do such a thing to his only child? Athena is not happy. While she will submit to the training to keep her ties to her mother, she will challenge Barik Lugaren’s authority every step of the way.

Publisher's Note: In Training was previously released by another publisher but it has been revised and re-edited in this version.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

The book had great promise and started off well. However, it became very repetitive to the point that I went back to check if it was the same.

Athena started off as a strong woman, but changed to a meek little woman straight away. I didn't find her to be realistic.

Sadly, this book did not hit the mark for me. :(

India was born and raised on the east coast of Florida until the age of 10, when the family moved to South Carolina. A defense industry brat, she’s lived in Charleston, Sunnyvale, CA, Washington State, and back to Florida again. She is divorced and is the mother of an adult daughter who lives in Ohio, where she will be moving in the spring to be closer. India is a retired psychiatric social worker and spends her days writing and indulging the sweetest kitty in the world.

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Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of In Training by India Masters to read and review.

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